Hermann Gartmann

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Hermann Gartmann (born December 24, 1906 in Waldheim , † March 18, 1972 in Berlin ) was a German communist , interbrigadist , officer in the German People's Police , deputy minister for state security and major general of the GDR's National People's Army .


Gartmann was born in Waldheim in Brandenburg as the son of a working-class family. After attending elementary school, he hired himself as a farm worker in Oggerschütz from 1921 to 1924. After that he worked as an unskilled worker in the construction industry in Berlin until 1928. In 1925 he joined the Communist Youth Association of Germany and two years later joined the KPD . From 1928 until 1931 Gartmann was a member of the leadership of the KPD's military apparatus in the Berlin-Brandenburg district. Due to agitation among the police Gartmann was founded in 1931 to two years imprisonment convicted and sat this prison until 1933 in the fortress Great Strehlitz from. After a period of unemployment, he first worked as an iron weaver from 1934 and later as a tabulator. In 1937 Gartmann emigrated to Czechoslovakia and in the same year joined the International Brigades in Spain. From 1939 to 1941 he was interned in France and then transferred to the Dachau concentration camp , where he remained in custody until 1945.

After the war, Gartmann returned to Brandenburg and initially worked for the KPD and later the SED as first secretary of the Templin district leadership. On August 1, 1948, he became a member of the People's Police , where he worked as a deputy for political work at the Brandenburg People's Police . From December 1949 until February 1950 he headed the administration for the protection of the Brandenburg economy, then after the formation of the Ministry for State Security until 1951 the state authority of the MfS in the state of Brandenburg. On March 1, 1950, he was appointed chief inspector. Gartmann then held the post of Deputy Minister for State Security until 1952. With the joint order no. G 1/52 of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of State Security, he rose to head of the main administration of the German Border Police on August 1, 1952 , which was now subordinate to the Ministry of State Security through the same order. At the same time he was promoted to general inspector. In this position, Gartmann continued to be Deputy Minister for State Security until 1955 and, from 1953, Deputy Minister of the Interior. On February 12, 1953, he was appointed major general of the MfS. From 1955, Gartmann built up the Central Security Administration (HVIS) as the Deputy Minister for State Security . The HVIS was the union of the border, transport and riot police under one administrative authority. As early as 1957 these were again affiliated to the Ministry of the Interior and Gartmann was again briefly head of the border police.

In June 1957 he was accepted as major general in the NVA and served from October 1957 to October 1959 as a military attaché in Moscow . Subsequently he was an officer auditor at the Friedrich Engels Military Academy and from January 1961 headed the NVA Officers School II in Frankenberg / Sa. and from 1963 the officers' college of the border troops of the GDR Rosa Luxemburg in Plauen . In March 1964 he resigned from active service and since 1967 he was still active as secretary of the “Solidarity Committee for the Spanish People”.



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Individual evidence

  1. Thomas Großbölting u. a. (Ed.), Anatomy of the State Security - History, Structure and Methods, Berlin 1995, p. 43 ( available online )