Hermann Jandl

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Hermann Jandl (born March 1, 1932 in Vienna , † April 8, 2017 in Mistelbach ) was an Austrian writer , poet and radio play author .


Hermann Jandl was the son of a bank clerk and a teacher who had to struggle with financial problems after the global economic crisis , and the youngest brother of the poet, writer and translator Ernst Jandl . He attended the teacher training institute and then worked as a teacher at compulsory schools in Vienna and Lower Austria and most recently as school director.

At the beginning of the 1970s, after his first literary beginnings at the beginning of the 1950s, he also began his writing career. After his literary debut with the play Geständnisse (1969), he published people, people (poems, 1970), Vom pious End (prose, 1971), duda ( anthology , 1977), the radio play Ein Mensch, or: Life is one of the hardest (1979), the story Storno (1983), Kernwissen (Lyrik, 1985), Die Übersiedlung (1985), the story Light (1987), the volume of poems Schöne Welt (1993), the stories The Thinker (1994) and The Door Is open (1997), Ein Goldgräber (poetry, 1997), Durst (narration, 2001), Hermann Jandl-Gesammelte Gedichte (2002), Schattenspiel (2006) and, most recently, Schau that you get ahead - Collected poems 1955-2006 (2007).

Jandl was General Secretary of the PEN Club of Lower Austria between 1974 and 1994 .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Book review to see that you get ahead. Collected poems 1955-2006