Hermann Schepler

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Hermann Schepler (born January 9, 1911 in Neu Karstädt ; † August 3, 1993 in Ludwigslust ) was a German painter and graphic artist.


Hermann Schepler was born in Neu Karstädt near Ludwigslust in 1911 as the second child of a farmer. After attending village school and secondary school and graduating from high school, from 1931 to 1933 he trained as a medical-scientific draftsman at the Dresden art school. From 1934 to 1940 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dresden with Wilhelm Rudolph and Richard Müller . In 1939 he was represented at the exhibition "Contemporary Mecklenburg Painters" in the Mecklenburg State Museum in Schwerin with three works: autumn thunderstorms, ripe grain, and early spring .

After the Second World War, Schepler worked as a farmer on his father's farm in Techentin near Ludwigslust, he only came to paint in his free time and in winter. In 1952 he was accepted into the Association of Visual Artists of the GDR , in which he was a long-time section head and chairman of the Schwerin district organization . From 1958, after giving up agricultural work, he worked as a freelance painter and graphic artist. Study trips followed, including a. to Poland and the Soviet Union. In 1962 he was awarded the Fritz-Reuter-Art Prize of the Council of the district Schwerin. At times he worked on commissioned works in Rostock in the 1960s . Murals and documentation on the structure of the port and the shipyards were created, he then lived in the house of the deep-sea fishermen and had a studio and a printing workshop in the Rostock fish combine . Also in the 1960s he moved to Grabow to live with his partner.

In 1971 he received the offer to document the structure and development of the petrochemical plant in Schwedt . Several times he stayed in Schwedt for a few weeks and captured the industry and the historic old town in his graphics, watercolors and miniatures. In the late 1980s, serious illnesses forced Schepler to give up painting in nature. Hermann Schepler died in 1993 as a result of pneumonia in Ludwigslust hospital.

Hermann Schepler was considered a painter of the Mecklenburg landscape. His landscapes were mainly created in his closer homeland, in the “ Griesen area ”, the Elde lowlands, Grabow, Ludwigslust or Techentin, he showed the world of the village and rural work.

“His credibility was his down-to-earth attitude. He found thematic models in the Schwerin gallery , especially among the Dutch of the 17th century, but he also admired the meticulously painted landscapes of Carl Malchin . Nevertheless, he remained a painter of his time, with slightly impressionistic references that are reminiscent of his Dresden professor Wilhelm Rudolph. The colors are not always restrained either, revealing here and there the knowledge of Expressionism. "

Works (selection)

  • Autumn thunderstorm , 1938
  • Ripe grain , 1938
  • Early spring , 1938
  • Techentiner Carnival , 1958
  • Roggendrusch , 1958
  • Children on the Ice , 1964
  • May 1st Ludwigslust , 1966
  • Mecklenburg village in winter , 1966
  • Before the horse race , 1969
  • Eldeschleuse near Dömitz , 1970
  • Mecklenburgischer Hof , 1981
  • Lewitz landscape
  • Depiction of the village chronicle on the ten-meter relief for the Domsühl Central School (near Parchim )

Exhibitions (selection)

  • 1953, 1958, 1962, 1967, 1972 participation in the German art exhibitions
  • 1972, 1974, 1979, 1985 participation in the district art exhibitions in Schwerin
  • 1971 and 1976 exhibitions at the State Museum in Schwerin
  • 2011 On the 100th birthday of the painter and graphic artist, Ludwigslust


  • Schepler, Hermann . In: Hans Vollmer (Hrsg.): General Lexicon of Fine Artists of the XX. Century. tape 4 : Q-U . EA Seemann, Leipzig 1958, p. 181 .
  • Grete Grewolls: Who was who in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania. The dictionary of persons . Hinstorff Verlag, Rostock 2011, ISBN 978-3-356-01301-6 , p. 8639 .
  • Hermann Schepler. Catalog for the exhibition in the Alte Post Ludwigslust . On the 100th birthday of the painter and graphic artist, Vol. 1, Art and Culture Association Ludwigslust 2011 (PDF 2 MB)
  • Hermann Schepler. Catalog for the exhibition in the Alte Post Ludwigslust . On the 100th birthday of the painter and graphic artist, Vol. 2, Art and Culture Association Ludwigslust 2011 (PDF 2 MB)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Contemporary Mecklenburg Painters." Exhibition from October 29 to November 19, 1939, Museum am Alten Garten zu Schwerin (Mecklenburg State Museum), catalog no. 61-63
  2. Schwedter Motive in the Grabow Museum (archive). City of Schwedt / Oder, August 29, 2011, accessed on July 25, 2016 .
  3. ^ Ingrid Möller : Hermann Schepler in his time. In: Catalog for the exhibition in the Alte Post Ludwigslust, Volume 1, see literature
  4. Illustration at the Deutsche Fotothek
  5. Illustration at the Deutsche Fotothek
  6. a b Grete Grewolls: Who was who ... , see literature.
  7. a b The links to the catalogs are in the source text, since a Wikipedia spam filter unfortunately regards parts of the URL as spam!