Hermann Stöbe

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Hermann Stöbe (born September 4, 1899 in Bürgel , † April 30, 1980 in Jena ) was a German legal historian and genealogist .


As a legal historian, Stöbe dealt primarily with the early and medieval history of Central Europe, especially with the emergence of Saxony and Thuringia . In addition to constitutional aspects, he also looked at the genealogical connections of various noble and non-noble groups of people, e.g. B. the von Steuben . In the early 1930s, Stöbe supported the theory that Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben was not a scion of the noble von Steuben family , but of bourgeois descent from the Steube family in Heldra, now a district of Wanfried .

In 1920 he was named cand. Phil. active at the physical institute of the University of Jena and member of the German Physical Society .

In 1922 he presented a well-founded work on the development of the Freihöfe in Dornburg / Saale. Due to the illness of his parents and lack of means, he had to interrupt his studies several times. This enables him to gain extensive knowledge of the archives in Germany through several years of commissioned work. On the occasion of Dornburg's 1000th anniversary, he was commissioned to develop the medieval and modern part of the Festschrift. At the end of the 1930s, because of his outstanding knowledge, he was appointed by the Historical Commission for Thuringia as a member of the working group Historical Local Lexicon for Thuringia. He could not finish his planned dissertation on the history of the royal palace in Dornburg / Saale , as his entire archive was destroyed by fire in 1945. It was not until December 5, 1951, that Stöbe published his dissertation on the subject of The Origo gentis Swevorum at the Philosophical Faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena . North Swabia and Saxony in the founding of the Merovingian Empire . He devoted himself primarily to the source criticism of the origin and constitution of the Duchy of Saxony.

He also examined the background to the emergence of the Brandenburg Electorate. Even before the Second World War he had begun to organize some aristocratic archives according to archival criteria.

Most of his work has not yet been published. With his extensive collections of sources, he is probably one of the best experts on the history of Thuringia. Few of his works have been used in current publications, such as the biography of Naumburg Bishop Gerhard II von Goch .


  • About the free goods in Dornburg , Burkhardt Verlag, Bürgel 1922.
  • Information on the genealogy of the Steuben family. In: Familiengeschichtliche Blätter , June 1927.
  • General Steuben's origin . In: Saxony and Anhalt , Volume 7, pages 360-448, 1931.
  • An unknown document from Emperor Friedrich II . In: German Archive for the History of the Middle Ages , Volume 1, Pages 504-510, Böhlau Verlag, Weimar 1937, ISSN  0258-4883
  • 1000 years of Dornburg, Festschrift (section History of Dornburg). In: Thüringer Fähnlein , issue 7/1937.
  • The Origo gentis Swevorum. Northern Swabia and Saxony in the founding of the Merovingian Empire , Volume 1: The history of Saxony and the second section of the Origo gentis Swevorum , Jena 1951.
  • Invoice manual at the Academic Quästur zu Jena . In: Journal about the income at the Academic Quaestur zu Jena , Jena 1952.
  • The fall of the Arnsteiners from Emperor Friedrich II and the emergence of the Brandenburg cure . In: Scientific journal of the FSU Jena , society and linguistic series, Volume 6 (1956/57), pages 769-792.
  • The subjugation of northern Germany by the Merovingians and the doctrine of the Saxon conquest . In: Scientific journal of the FSU Jena , social and linguistic series, Volume 6 (1956/57).
  • Bishop Gerhard II of Naumburg (1409-1422) , Typoscript in the Cathedral Abbey Library of Naumburg, 1964.

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.historische-kommission-fuer-thueringen.de