Hermann Tardel

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Hermann Tardel (born May 25, 1869 in Güstrow , † August 2, 1951 in Bremen ) was a German educator , literary historian and folklorist .


Tardel was the son of the Chief Postal Secretary Ludwig Tardel and his wife Charlotte, nee. Jacobsen. He attended the secondary school in Schwerin until 1888 and studied modern languages ​​and German at the University of Berlin, the University of Leipzig and the University of Rostock . He received his doctorate in 1894. phil. in Rostock . After studying in Geneva and Paris , he did a seminar year at the Schwerin secondary school from 1893 to 1894. In 1894/95 he taught at the Friderico-Francisceum Gymnasium in Bad Doberan and then at the Realschule in Graudenz and, from 1896, at the Higher Citizens' School in Rostock.

In 1898 he was appointed to the commercial school in Bremen and in 1905 teacher and director at the Bremen Realgymnasium (today Hermann-Böse-Gymnasium ). In 1913 the Senate of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen awarded him the title of professor. He retired in 1933.

Tardel published works on the naturalist and poet Adelbert von Chamisso and on the socialist-revolutionary poet Georg Herwegh . He then increasingly turned to the Low German language and folklore and wrote works and essays on, among other things, Bremen theater history (In: Bremisches Jahrbuch , Volume 30, Bremen 1926) and Bremen proverbs and rhymes. When Ernst Grohne moved his Low German magazine for folklore from Hamburg to Bremen, Tardel worked a lot with him.


  • Investigations into Central High German minstrel poetry . Dissertation, Rostock 1894.
  • The Foreign English Word in Modern French , 1899.
  • The legend of Robert the Devil in more recent German poems and in Meyerbeer's opera , 1900. Kessinger Publishing, 2009, ISBN 1120421942 .
  • Studies on Chamisso's poetry . Guthe, Bremen 1902. ( digitized version )
  • Chamisso's works . Edited by Hermann Tardel, 1907.
  • Two song studies: 1. The Anglo-Scottish Raven Ballad; 2. The Lammerstraten song . Guthe, Bremen 1914 ( digitized version )
  • Herwegh's works, poems from a living person . German publishing house Bong & Co., Berlin 1919.
  • Bremen in Proverb , 1929.
  • Bremen in proverb, rhyme and folk song . Bremer Schlüssel-Verlag, Bremen 1931 and new 1947
  • Handwritten supplements to Heinrich Smidt's Bremen children's songs (1836) . In: Folklore gifts. John Meier offered on his seventieth birthday , Berlin: de Gruyter 1934, pp. 269–279.
  • Goethe's relations with Bremen contemporaries , 1935
  • Studies on the history of theater in Bremen . Oldenburg 1945.
  • The Bremen key. To the history of the landmark . Bremer Schlüssel Verlag Hans Kasten, Bremen 1946.
  • Poor Heinrich . In: Neuere Dichtung, Gerstenberg, Hildesheim 1978, ISBN 3-8067-0620-4 .


  1. See the entry of Hermann Tardel's matriculation in the Rostock matriculation portal
