Hermann Thume

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Tomb of the Thume family in the Trinity cemetery in Dresden

Hermann Thume (born January 12, 1858 ; † May 13, 1914 ) was a German architect .


Thume graduated from the Dresden Polytechnic . Karl Weißbach and Ernst Giese were among his teachers . After completing his studies, Theaters went to Hamburg and worked in Manfred Semper's architectural office there . From 1890, Thume worked as a self-employed architect with his own architectural office in Dresden .

Theaters took part in numerous architectural competitions . With his design, among other things, he was able to prevail in the competition for the new building of the state insurance company in Dresden, which was built on Marschnerstrasse from 1892 to 1895, but destroyed in 1945. His design for the New Town Hall in Dresden with the motto (password) Auf dem Walle was purchased by the city of Dresden in 1901 for 1,000 marks .

Thume died in 1914 and was buried in the Trinity cemetery in Dresden.

Buildings and designs

Villa Eschebach
Friedrich August House
  • 1890: Competition design for the justice building in Bremen (awarded one of two 3rd prizes)
  • 1891: Competition design for the town hall in Pforzheim (purchase)
  • 1892–1895: Administration building for the State Insurance Institution of Saxony in Dresden-Johannstadt, Holbeinstrasse / Marschnerstrasse / Dürerstrasse (destroyed in 1945, only the recent extension was preserved)
  • 1894–1895: Villa Mozartstrasse 6 in Dresden
  • 1897: Competition design for the commercial club house with hall in Chemnitz (awarded one of four equal prizes)
  • 1899: Friedrich-August-Haus apartment building in Dresden-Kaditz, Roscherstraße 2
  • 1900: Silomon-Sulzberger-Haus apartment building in Dresden-Johannstadt, Gutenbergstrasse 3
  • 1900: Eschebachhaus apartment building in Dresden-Pieschen, Großenhainer Straße 131
  • 1900–1903: Villa Eschebach in Dresden-Neustadt, Bautzner Strasse 2
  • 1901: Competition design for the New Town Hall in Dresden (purchase)
  • around 1904: Design for a mausoleum in Königsbrück
  • 1905: Competition design for the town hall in Werdau (purchase)
  • 1905–1906: New hospital in Radeberg (today Asklepios Clinic)


  • Bernhard Sterra et al .: Dresden and its architects. Currents and tendencies 1900–1970. Verlag der Kunst Dresden, Husum 2011, ISBN 978-3-86530-131-4 , pp. 59–60, pp. 233–234.

Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to the tombstone on the Trinity Cemetery in Dresden (see illustration)
  2. Dresden Town Hall Competition. In: Centralblatt der Bauverwaltung , Volume 21, 1901, No. 35 (from May 4, 1901), p. 223. ("Miscellaneous" section)
  3. Deutsche Bauzeitung , Volume 24, 1890, No. 37 (from May 7, 1890), p. 224.
  4. ^ Deutsche Bauzeitung , Volume 26, 1892, No. 8 (from January 27, 1892), p. 48.
  5. Dürerstraße at www.dresdner-stadtteile.de , accessed on November 15, 2018
  6. Deutsche Bauzeitung , Volume 31, 1897, No. 74 (from September 15, 1897), p. 464.
  7. Deutsche Bauzeitung , Volume 39, 1905, No. 63 (August 9, 1905), p. 384.