Hermann de Bruycker

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Hermann de Bruycker (born December 16, 1858 in Ottensen , † March 23, 1950 in Hamburg) was a freelance painter.

Hamburg emergency note (1921), designed and signed by H. de Bruycker


Hermann de Bruycker was born the son of a master painter . His ancestors immigrated to what is today Schleswig-Holstein as Flemish Huguenots in the 17th century . He first completed an apprenticeship in painting in his father's company. Then he went on a journey . He studied in Hanover , where he attended classes with Friedrich Kaulbach , and in Munich , where Franz Defregger was his teacher. In 1882 he married, in 1884 he moved to Berlin for two years . From 1886 he taught at the Hamburg trade school, from 1891 at the Sternsche Kunstschule, which he later took over.

Grave de Bruycker , Ohlsdorf cemetery

He devoted himself to landscape painting. Due to his preference for the Lüneburg Heath and his numerous depictions of the heather landscape, he is considered one of the most important heather painters. Other works by Herrmann de Bruycker were the painting of the vaulted ceiling of the Hamburg City Theater (1888), the design of the stained glass windows of the St. Katharinenkirche in Hamburg (1908) and a wall frieze in the Hamburg City Hall (1888). Furthermore, numerous illustrations, including for books, are part of his work. Together with Otto Speckter , he illustrated a writing and reading primer that was published in 26 editions by 1910. De Bruycker also wrote poems and fairy tales. For Palmin , de Bruycker, who had his residence in Schneverdingen , created the collector's picture series Die Lüneburger Heide (1912/13). In 1890 he built a villa with a studio in Hamburg-Eilbeck . Here was the center of his family with eleven children at last.

A large part of Hermann de Bruycker's works fell victim to the Allied air raids on Hamburg in 1943, including his own studio in Altona with numerous of his paintings as well as the ceiling frescos of the city theater and the church windows of St. Katharinen.

In the Ohlsdorf cemetery in Hamburg there is a gravestone for de Bruycker at grid square Z 11 (southwest of the north pond ).


  • Herbst in der Heide (1927), oil on panel, 36 × 47 cm, private collection
  • Mondnacht im Winter (Wilsede) (1944), oil on cardboard, 16 × 24 cm, private collection
  • A happy day (1922), oil on canvas, 28 × 38 cm, Albert-König-Museum Unterlüß


  • Detlef Lorenz, advertising art around 1900. Artist lexicon for collecting pictures , Reimer 2000, ISBN 3-496-01220-X , p. 72

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Individual evidence

  1. Celebrity Graves