Hermann von Massow

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Hermann Friedrich Wilhelm Eugen von Massow (born December 31, 1812 at Gut Schmarse, Züllichau-Schwiebus district ; † May 29, 1881 in Dresden ) was a royal Prussian chief forest master and politician. Massow was also Knight of Honor of the Order of St. John .


Massow came from the Pomeranian noble family von Massow and was the son of the manorial estate owner and royal Prussian majors a. D. Wilhelm von Massow (1786–1859), landlord on Schmarse, and Karoline von Sydow (1775–1848). A younger brother was the Prussian Lieutenant General Benno von Massow .

Massow began studying forestry in 1834 . From 1835 to 1836 he did his military service and at the same time moved to the Humboldt University of Berlin to study philosophy . In Berlin he also attended the local municipal trade school .

In 1838 he entered the Prussian civil service as a forest trainee in Frankfurt an der Oder . In 1842 he was appointed government forest assessor and forest secretary and moved to Stralsund a year later . From 1844 to 1850 he worked in the same position in the Glatzer Oberförsterei Karlsberg in Lower Silesia .

From May 18, 1848 to May 20, 1849, Massow was a member of the Frankfurt National Assembly as a member of the 26th Silesian constituency with its main town in Glatz . There he was a member of the casino faction . In 1850 he was a member of the Volkshaus of the Erfurt Union Parliament .

From 1850 to 1856 Massow worked for the government authority in Königsberg , from 1854 as a forest inspector and for the last two years as a forester. During this time Massow married on July 17, 1852 in Kunzendorf Thekla Websky (born September 24, 1831 at Gut Wüstegiersdorf , Waldenburg district , Lower Silesia; † December 15, 1911 in Potsdam ), the daughter of the royal Prussian councilor and factory owner Martin Websky , landowner on Wüstegiersdorf as well as Schwengfeld, Esdorf and Ludwigsdorf, all in the district of Schweidnitz , and Friedrike Kramsta .

As a forester, Massow then moved to Merseburg in 1856 and to Potsdam in 1862 . In 1864 Massow was appointed head forest master. In 1865 he was transferred to Liegnitz before he moved to the domain and forest administration of the government in Potsdam in 1869 and at the same time became a permanent member of the royal court hunting office. In 1879 Massow retired and moved to Dresden.


  • Heinrich Best, Wilhelm Weege: Biographical manual of the members of the Frankfurt National Assembly 1848/49 . Düsseldorf: Droste-Verlag, 1998, p. 230. ISBN 3-7700-0919-3 .
  • Genealogical handbook of the nobility , noble houses A volume XVI, page 314, volume 76 of the complete series, CA Starke Verlag, Limburg (Lahn) 1981