Hieronymus Galler

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Hieronymus Galler ( p. 1610–1627) was a German printer and publisher of Swiss origin.


Born in Basel , Galler received citizenship in Frankfurt am Main in 1600 and presumably worked there as an employed printer. He left Frankfurt with Johann Theodor de Bry in 1609 and moved to Oppenheim . It could be that de Bry followed him with the prospect of an independent position, but this cannot be documented.

Six months later, Levinus Hulsius' widow moved the headquarters of her publishing company to Oppenheim as well.

The relocation of several powerful Frankfurt publishers such as de Bry, Hulsius and Lucas Jennis guaranteed the printer Hieronymus Galler a promising start in Oppenheim. For him it was the rise from a small journeyman printer to a large contract printer in Oppenheim. Numerous large-format and extensive prints make this clear. Galler had enough type material in Frankfurt and was thus able to meet the demands of the publishers. Presumably he also enjoyed financial support from de Brys or others. In the ten years of lively intellectual life in Oppenheim from 1610 to 1620, he ran a high-performance printing company for Oppenheim and Frankfurt publishers as well as for his own account (mainly Hungarian works).

The traveling scholar Albert Molnár from Hungary stayed in Oppenheim from 1611/12 and 1615 to 1619 and worked as a proofreader for Galler before he was employed as cantor of the Latin school and rector of the city school.

There was no reason for Hieronymus Galler to return to Frankfurt, as he had built a secure existence in Oppenheim. Possibly the capture of Oppenheim by the troops of Spinola in September 1620, but more likely the Oppenheim fire in 1621 put an end to the Hieronymus Galler company.

The Gallen printer workshop and its clients

The VD 17 project alone has 145 plants.

Frankfurt publishers
Oppenheim publishers
Jacques Perret French Huguenot architect of the ideal cities
On your own account
  • Especially the Hungarian works (with Molnar as author or corrector)
Direct orders from authors (mostly theologians)


Web links


  1. a b The sources regarding the dates of birth and death of Hieronymus Galler are poor: the renowned Josef Benzing only mentions Basel as his place of origin and assumes the closure of the printing works with the capture of Oppenheim in 1620 or at the latest with the great fire in 1621, the VD 17 project indicates that the printer Galler worked in Oppenheim from 1610 to 1627.
  2. Galler received his departure two months after (practically simultaneously with) Johann Theodor de Bry in Frankfurt
  3. according to VD 17 to 1627