Himalayan cranesbill

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Himalayan cranesbill
Himalayan cranesbill (Geranium himalayense)

Himalayan cranesbill ( Geranium himalayense )

Eurosiden II
Order : Cranesbill (geraniales)
Family : Cranesbill family (Geraniaceae)
Genre : Cranesbills ( geranium )
Type : Himalayan cranesbill
Scientific name
Geranium himalayense

The Himalayan cranesbill ( Geranium himalayense , Syn .: Geranium grandiflorum Edgew. Non L. , Geranium meeboldii Briq. ) Is a species of the cranesbills ( Geranium ).


The Himalayan cranesbill is a perennial herbaceous plant , the wild form of which only reaches heights of 9 to 32 cm. They form rhizomes as persistence organs. The opposite leaves are hand-shaped divided; the five to seven segments are lobed. The leaf blade is 2.2 to 3.8 (rarely up to 5.5) cm long and 3 to 10 cm wide. The leaf stalks are up to 23 cm long on the lower leaves and only 0.2 to 0.6 mm long on the top. The stipules are 6 to 9 mm long.

The flowers grow in pairs on a 0.2 to 2.1 cm long stem. The hermaphrodite, radially symmetrical flower is five-fold. The five green and hairy sepals are 6.7 to 11.3 mm long. The five deep blue to whitish petals are 1.4 to 2.1 cm long. There are two circles with five stamens each. The dark blue anthers are 1.9 to 2.7 mm long. Most of the five nectaries are combined into a ring. Five carpels are a top permanent ovary grown. The scars are blue to purple. The split fruit is 2.7 to 3 cm long.


This species grows on subalpine to alpine meadows at altitudes between 3700 and 4400 meters in southern and western Tibet , Afghanistan , northern India , Kashmir , Nepal and Pakistan .

Use as an ornamental plant

It is characterized by very decorative blue to blue-violet flowers that appear as large bowl-shaped flowers from May to June. This cranesbill species is particularly suitable for the perennial bed or as a planting with roses , unlike the Pyrenean cranesbill or the Balkan cranesbill , it is less suitable as a ground cover or for underplanting at the edges of woodland and under trees. Due to its intense color, it is well suited as a companion plant to white or pink roses.



Web links

Commons : Himalaya cranesbill ( Geranium himalayense )  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files