Horst Callies

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Horst Callies, 2016

Horst Callies (born September 1, 1934 in Berlin ) is a German ancient historian .

From 1970 until his retirement in 2004 he was Professor of Ancient History at the University of Hanover .

academic career

Horst Callies studied Ancient, Medieval and Modern History as well as Classical Philology at the Universities of Göttingen , Berlin and Munich .

In 1963 he did his doctorate with Alfred Heuss at the University of Göttingen, where he immediately worked as a research assistant and four years later as an academic adviser at the Department of Ancient History at the University of Göttingen.

In the 1970/71 winter semester he took over a professorship for Ancient History at the University of Hanover, where he retired in 2004.

During this academic career he carried out other activities such as B. several leading positions at the University of Hanover: as dean of the faculty , member of the Senate, member of the study and planning committee and as leading liaison professor of the German National Academic Foundation . From 1983 to 1989 he was Vice President of the University of Hanover.

As head of the working group on the quality of teaching and a member of the permanent commission for teaching and studying at the university rectors' conference as well as a member of the joint commission HRK / Standing Conference for the coordination of examination regulations , he was also able to influence educational issues nationwide.

Associations and clubs

Callies is chairman of the Ancient History Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen , as well as a member of the Mommsen Society , the Historical Association for Lower Saxony , the Association of Ancient History for Europe and the Association of Historians .

Research priorities

His main research interests include the reception of antiquity , the conflict between Romans and Teutons , especially the image of foreigners in Roman culture, as well as church and politics in the 4th century . He also dealt with the subject of "History and Travel ".


  • The place and the world. Horst Callies on his 75th birthday . Carl-Hans Hauptmeyer and Heinrich-Wilhelm Langrehr (eds.). To Klampen Verlag. Jump 2010
  • The foreign troops in the principate's army and the so-called Numbers . Goettingen 1963.
  • A history science or gentlemen and servants - history science and historical neighbor science, in: E. Schmidt (ed.), Contributions to spatial planning - D. Hennebo on the 65th birthday, 1992, 125ff.
  • History and tourism , in: HP Burmeister (ed.), Where the journey goes, Loccumer Protocols 2, 1994, 143ff.
  • Comments on statements and statements made by ancient sources and more recent literature on the Varus Battle and its localization , in: R. Wiegels, W. Woesler (Ed.), Arminius and the Varus Battle, 1995, 175ff.
  • On the Augustan-Tiberian Germanic policy , in: FAS 13, 1993, 135ff .; Romans and Teutons in northern Germany, in: R. Busch (Ed.), Rom an der Niederelbe, 1995, 15ff.
  • Organization of studies under the family aspect, in: HIS A 6, 1995, 23ff.
  • Environmental problems also in antiquity , in: H. Fischer - DAAD (Ed.), Reflections and Perspectives in a Changing World, 1993, 39ff .; Water supply and disposal in the Roman Empire, in: History learning - anthology Antike, 1996, 102ff.
  • About the Olympics, the Olympic Games and ancient politics , in: Sportpädagogik 3, 1996, 5ff .;
  • Arminius - Hermann der Cherusker: the German hero, in: J. Strzelczyk (Hrsg.), Die Helden in der Geschichte und der Historiographie, 1997, 49ff.
  • The Roman Revolution with Alfred Heuss - his concept of revolution, in: HJ Gehrke (Hrsg.), Alfred Heuss - Views of his life's work, 1998, 66ff.

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