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Compass direction North south
Pass height 2051  m above sea level A.
region Ennstal Upper Murtal
Watershed Strieglerbach ( Enns ) Hubenbauerbach ( Drau )
expansion trail
Mountains Schladminger Tauern
Map (Styria)
Hubenbauertörl (Styria)
Coordinates 47 ° 15 '10 "  N , 13 ° 56' 10"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 15 '10 "  N , 13 ° 56' 10"  E



The Hubenbauertörl is a 2051  m above sea level. A. high pass over the main Alpine ridge of the Schladminger Tauern in Styria .

Location and landscape

The pass lies between the Kleinsölktal near Gröbming im Ennstal and Krakau in the Rantenbachtal near Murau im Ennstal . To the west is the Lachkogel (approx.  2270  m ), a pre-summit of the Kircheleck  ( 2414  m ). The Flederweißspitze  ( 2386  m ) rises to the east .

South rises on the Hubenbauernalm the Hubenbauer Bach , who on Etrachbach and Rantenbach in the Mur flows. To the north below - the corridors are called Speikleiten am Lachkogel, Rosskar under the pass and Edelfeld in the east - the Strieglerbach flows to the Kleinsölkbach , and this flows over the Sölkbach to the Enns . This makes the pass part of the main Alpine ridge .

The Hubenbauertörl forms an orographically more significant recess of the Niedere Tauern. In the east lies the mountain group between the two Sölktäler (Klein- and Großsölktal), the Ranten- and Katschbachtal , which extends to the Sölkpass . This includes the Großer Knallstein ( 2599  m ) and the Rupprechtseck  ( 2591  m ). To the west is the Predigtstuhl massif  ( 2543  m ), which extends to the Rantentörl .

There are several cirque lakes in the area , one directly on the pass, the Grübelsee to the east and a Lackengruppe to the west after the Speikleiten.


To the south below the pass there are several mountain huts in the area of ​​the Etrachsee , also to the north in the Strieglerbachtal there are several managed alpine pastures. Crossing the pass is not difficult.

The Zentralalpenweg (Austrian long-distance hiking trail 02), also called the Tauern Höhenweg (Seckau to Krimml or Ahrntal), and the Styrian state circular hiking trail (alpine variant) run over the pass . Both ascend from the Etrachsee, lead below the ridge on the Speikleiten, quite exposed over to the Hinterkarscharte  ( 2274  m ) and then in different ways through the Predigtstuhl massif. The actual ridge crossing is comparatively easy here.

Individual evidence

  1. Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying Austria: Hubenbauertörl on the Austrian Map online (Austrian map 1: 50,000) .
  2. a b Hans Führer: Tauern-Höhenweg: From the Seckauer Tauern to the Ahrntal in South Tyrol. Series Rother hiking guide Special. Bergverlag Rother, 2016, ISBN 978-3-7633-4263-1 , especially stage 11, p. 88 ff ( limited preview in the Google book search)
  3. Peter Holl: Alpine Club Guide - Niedere Tauern: a guide for valleys, huts and mountains. Bergverlag Rother, 2005, ISBN 3-7633-1267-6 , Tour No. 788, p. 246 and 818, p. 256.
  4. Kircheleck - Gamskarspitze (Schladminger Tauern main ridge 3). On Ulli & Erich Haderer: - tour description with photo gallery.