Hubert Fournier

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Hubert Fournier.

Hubert Fournier (born September 3, 1967 in Riom ) is a former French football player and current coach . He is not related to his colleague and namesake Laurent Fournier .

Player career

The central defender played in the adult area at INF Vichy (1986/87), US Maubeuge (1987–1989), SM Caen (1989–1993), EA Guingamp (1993–1996), Borussia Mönchengladbach (1996– December 1997), Olympique Lyon ( 1998–2000), again in Guingamp (2000–2002) and at FC Rouen (2002–2004). With Caen, Guingamp and Lyon, he played a total of 254 first division games , in which he also scored eight goals. For Mönchengladbach he was on the pitch in 36 Bundesliga point games and was also the first French player to play for the club on the Lower Rhine . In addition, Fournier was used in a total of 16 matches between Caen, Mönchengladbach and Lyon at European level ( UEFA Cup and Champions League ).

Coaching career

After his playing days, he decided to acquire the football instructor license. On the occasion of the internship at a professional club, which was compulsory during his training, he tried, unlike most course participants, not to get a place at one of the "really big" European clubs, but completed it at the English second division club Cardiff City .

“I didn't do this to differentiate myself from the rest ... but because I didn't expect Chelsea, Manchester, Liverpool or Arsenal to sign me one day. I preferred a club whose conditions could be transferred to French football. "

After completing his training, Hubert Fournier initially worked as assistant coach to Philippe Montanier at US Boulogne (2004–2008), then as head coach and head of the coaching staff at FC Gueugnon (2008/09). In the summer of 2009 he was relegated to the third division Stade Reims as assistant coach of Marc Collat ; twelve months later, the club returned to the second division promoted him to the coach in charge. In 2012, Reims rose to the top division under Hubert Fournier. He is considered to be "pragmatic, determined, thoughtful and reserved"; Players who have trained under him appreciate the fact that he encourages young footballers in particular, for whom he "always has an open ear and a personal word". On the occasion of the announcement at the beginning of 2014 that he wanted to extend the contract with Fournier by two more years, club president Jean-Pierre Caillot emphasized another quality of the coach: "Hubert has always accepted the [limited] possibilities of the club and never complained about it" - Of the twenty first division clubs, Reims had the fourth-smallest season budget - but the team was placed in the top third of the table this season .

In the summer of 2014, however, Fournier moved to Olympique Lyon , which he led to the runner-up in his first season. After OL was only one place in the middle of the table in the following season before the winter break, the club dismissed him at the turn of the year.

At the end of June 2017, the national association FFF appointed Hubert Fournier as Directeur Technique Nationale (DTN), the top association trainer in France.

Web links

Notes and evidence

  1. Numbers from Stéphane Boisson / Raoul Vian: Il était une fois le Championnat de France de Football. Tous les joueurs de la première division de 1948/49 à 2003/04. Neofoot, Saint-Thibault o. J.
  2. DFL (ed.): Bundesliga Lexicon. The Official Reference Book [1963-2003]. Europa, Zurich 2003, ISBN 3-9522779-0-8 , p. 129
  3. Jannik Sorgatz: Danes are Gladbach's Brazilians. In: Rheinische Post (RP-Online). RP Digital GmbH, January 6, 2016, accessed on January 16, 2016 (see photo gallery).
  4. see also Fournier's player data sheet with photo at L'Équipe
  5. a b Information and quotation from “Fournier, le patient de Reims” in France Football of 23 August 2011, p. 32
  6. from the article “Le coach normal” in France Football of March 11, 2014, p. 32f .; Quote on p. 33
  7. see the article from May 23, 2014 at
  8. News from June 24, 2017 at France Football