Hubert Grouven

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Hubert Grouven (* 1831 at Gudenau Castle near Bonn ; † December 16, 1884 in Dresden ) was a German agricultural chemist .

Live and act

Hubert Grouven studied natural sciences in Karlsruhe , Bonn and Heidelberg . He obtained his doctorate, but the place, date and topic of the doctorate are not known. His area of ​​interest was agricultural chemistry . After completing his studies, he set up an agricultural chemistry laboratory on his parents' estate in Bickendorf near Cologne. From 1854 to 1858 he gave lectures to farmers on behalf of the Agricultural Association in Cologne. During this time his best-known work “ Lectures on Agricultural Chemistry with Special Consideration for Animal and Plant Physiology ” (1859, several editions), a book in which the lively section on the history of agricultural chemistry spiced with personal evaluations was created is to be assessed as a highly informative contemporary document.

From 1859 to 1866, Grouven was head of the agricultural chemical test station in Salzmünde (Province of Saxony). In 1862, 1864 and 1868 he published the results of the feeding and fertilization experiments carried out there under his direction in three extensive anthologies (" Reports on the work of the agricultural chemical experimental station in Salzmünde "). From today's perspective, the third volume in particular is considered to be an important document on the history of field testing . Here, Grouven described the methodological problems that existed at the time when carrying out fertilization tests with sugar beet and made suggestions on how the field test can be further developed into a scientifically founded investigation method.

After 1870, Grouven looked for ways to produce new nitrogen fertilizers . He published his first thoughts on this in his work “ About the substitute question of Peru-Guano ” (1873). In 1874 he set up a chemical laboratory in his apartment in Leipzig and developed a process for producing ammonium sulfate from the organically bound nitrogen of the broken bogs .

Main fonts

  • Lectures on agricultural chemistry with special regard to animal and plant physiology . Publishing house Assenheimer & Co. Cologne 1859; 2nd edition. Verlag Hassel Cologne 1862; 3rd edition ibid. 1872 (vol. 1) and 1882 (vol. 2); 4th ed. 2 vol. Ibid. 1889.
  • Reports on the work of the agricultural chemical experimental station in Salzmünde . Verlag Wiegandt & Hempel Berlin, 3 vols. 1862, 1864 a. 1868.
  • Critical presentation of all feeding experiments and the resulting chemical feeding standards for practical use . Publisher Hassel Cologne 1863.
  • Salzmünde. An agricultural monograph . Wiegandt & Hempel Berlin publishing house 1867.
  • A visit to Asnières and criticism of the method for cleaning the Parisian cloak water that had been tried there for a year . Verlag Wiegandt, Hempel and Parey Berlin 1867.
  • On the substitute question of the Peru-Guano . Heinrich Schmidt Leipzig publisher 1873.


  • Illustrated agricultural lexicon. Edited by Guido Krafft, Verlag von Paul Parey Berlin 1884, pp. 428–429.

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