Hubert Driver

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Hubert Paulreiber (* 1942 in Geislingen an der Steige ) is professor emeritus for administrative sciences at the law faculty of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University in Hanover .


After graduating from high school in 1961 and three years of military service with the Air Force , from 1964 onwards, he studied sociology with Heinrich Popitz , political science , modern history and philosophy in Freiburg . He completed his studies in 1969 with a Magister Artium .

From 1970 to 1972 he completed a postgraduate course in administration in Konstanz with Fritz W. Scharpf (graduation 1972, Lic.). Under his leadership, he worked for several years in bureaucracy research (ministerial administration) from 1970. Driver received his doctorate from Scharpf and Popitz in 1973 , and from 1975 he received a habilitation grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG). In 1976 he was offered the chair of administrative science at the Faculty of Law at the University of Hanover (single-phase legal training). In 1977, he was a member of the external research accompanying the reform of the Hamburg district court , and from 1978 he was a member of a project group set up by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and led by Fritz Sack from Hamburg to investigate violent terrorist crime . From 1980 to 1981 he was a member of a research group investigating the “Special Program of the Federal Government for Regions with Special Employment Problems”. In 1981 and 1982 he attended the Law School of the University of Wisconsin in Madison . In the 1990s he worked on the projects initiated by W. Hoffmann-Riem and E. Schmidt-Aßmann on "Conflict Management through Negotiations" and on "Innovation and Flexibility in Administrative Action". From 1999 to 2001 ,reiber was a member of a working group on natural law (natural law and legal law) that transcended language and subject boundaries, led by Lorraine Daston ( Max Planck Institute for the History of Science , Berlin) and Michael Stolleis ( Max Planck Institute for European Legal History , Frankfurt / Main) was initiated and directed. The late philosopher and Nietzsche researcher Wolfgang Müller-Lauter commissioned drivers to edit and comment on the writings of the close Nietzsche friend Paul Rée (Supplementa Nietzscheana Vol. 7/2004, 819 pp.).

Driver retired in 2010 .


In the areas of administrative sciences (especially implementation research), legal sociology , the history of science , as well as Max Weber , Friedrich Nietzsche and Paul Rée .


  • 1986/87: Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence
  • 1991: Fellow of the Beincke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
  • 2000: Science Prize of the Christa Hoffmann Riem Foundation, awarded by the German Association for Legal Sociology


  • How to make soldiers. Socialization in "barracked socialization". Düsseldorf 1973
  • Resistance to reform policy. Institutional opposition in the field of prison policy. Düsseldorf 1974
  • with Günther Schmid: bureaucracy and politics. On the structure and function of the ministerial organization. Munich 1975
  • with Heinz Steinert: The manufacture of reliable people. On the "elective affinity" between monastery and factory discipline. Munich 1980, 2nd edition Münster 2005
  • in cooperation with Leonie Breunung: The enforcement organization as a decision factor in administrative action. An empirical study on the “simplified approval procedure” according to the BimSchG. Baden-Baden 2000
  • with Gerd Grasshoff: Natural law and natural law thinking in the 17th century (Keppler, Bernegger, Descartes, Cumberland). Baden-Baden 2002
  • with Leonie Breunung: Law as a resource for local industrial settlement policy. On the use and renunciation of law in the event of an unequal distribution of power Baden-Baden 2005
  • Max Weber's legal sociology - an invitation to read. Wiesbaden 2017
  • with Eckart Otto and Stefan Breuer Publication of the cultural and social science studies (Harrassowitz Verlag)
  • with Stefan Breuer: The emergence and structural change of the state. Opladen 1982
  • with Stefan Breuer: On the legal sociology of Max Weber. Opladen 1984
  • Per Leggere Max Webers: Nelle Prospettive della Sociologia Tedesca Contemporanea. Padova 1993
  • with Karol Sauerland: Heidelberg at the intersection of intellectual circles. On the topography of the “spiritual sociability” of a “global village”: 1850–1950. Opladen 1995
  • Paul Rée, Collected Works 1875–1885, with introduction and commentary, Berlin / New York 2004 (= Supplementa Nietzscheana, Volume 7).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. see Fritz W. Scharpf et al.: Implementation problems of offensive labor market policy. Frankfurt and New York 1982
  2. ^ H. Driver, The Approach to a Physcial Concept of Law in the Early Modern Period: A Comparison between Matthias Bernegger and Richard Cumberland, in: Lorraine Daston / Michael Stolleis (eds.), Natural Law and Laws of Nature in Early Modern Europe . Jurisprudence, Theology, Moral and Natural Philosophy. Farnham / Surrey, Burlington / VT 2008, 163-182