Hugo Johansson

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Hugo Johansson
medal table
Hugo Johansson (around 1920)
Hugo Johansson (around 1920)

Sport shooting

SwedenSweden Sweden
Olympic Summer Games
gold Stockholm 1912 Free rifle three position fight (M)
bronze Stockholm 1912 Army rifle 4 distances (M)
gold Antwerp 1920 Army rifle lying 600 m
bronze Antwerp 1920 Army rifle lying 600 m (M)
bronze Antwerp 1920 Army rifle standing 300 m (M)

Carl Hugo Johansson (born June 16, 1887 in Stockholm , † February 23, 1977 there ) was a Swedish sports shooter .


Hugo Johansson took part in three Olympic Games . At the Olympic Games in Stockholm in 1912 , he just missed a medal win with the free rifle in the three-position fight as fourth in the individual. In the team competition, he finished first with Mauritz Eriksson , Erik Blomqvist , Carl Björkman , Bernhard Larsson and Gustaf Adolf Jonsson with a total of 5655 points ahead of Norway and Denmark and thus became Olympic champion . With the army rifle he finished the individual competition in 23rd place, while he won the bronze medal with the team, which also included Mauritz Eriksson, Werner Jernström , Carl Björkman, Bernhard Larsson and Tönnes Björkman . In 1920 Johansson started in Antwerp in eight disciplines. In the prone position with the army rifle over 600 m, like three other shooters, he achieved the best value of 59 points. In the jump-off he achieved the best result with 58 points, so that he was Olympic champion ahead of Mauritz Eriksson and Lloyd Spooner . In the team competition, he secured bronze alongside Erik Blomqvist, Mauritz Eriksson, Gustaf Adolf Jonsson and Erik Ohlsson . Johansson won another bronze medal together with Olle Ericsson , Mauritz Eriksson, Walfrid Hellman and Leonard Lagerlöf in the standing position over 300 m with the team. In four other disciplines he was placed in the top six of the overall ranking, one of which was in the individual and three team competitions. He finished the 1924 Olympic Games in Paris with the free rifle in the prone position over 600 m in eighth place and with the team over four distances in seventh place.

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