Hugo María van Steekelenburg

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Hugo van Steekelenburg (2016)

Hugo María van Steekelenburg OFM (born October 15, 1937 in Wateringen ) is a Dutch clergyman and emeritus bishop of Almenara .


Hugo Maria van Steekelenburg joined the Congregation of the Franciscan at and received on 8 June 1964, the priestly ordination .

Pope John Paul II appointed him Bishop of Almenara on June 23, 1999 . He received his episcopal ordination on September 24th of the same year by the Bishop of Teófilo Otoni , Diogo Reesink OFM; Co- consecrators were Célio de Oliveira Goulart OFM, Bishop of Leopoldina , and Geraldo Majela de Castro OPraem , Bishop of Montes Claros .

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predecessor Office successor
Diogo Reesink OFM Bishop of Almenara
José Carlos Brandão Cabral