Hugo Rothert

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Hugo Rothert (* 27. October 1846 in Preußisch Oldendorf , † 13. June 1936 in Münster ) was a German priest and church historian.


Rothert studied Protestant theology at Friedrichs University and was active in the Corps Normannia-Halle in 1866 . To D. theol. doctorate , he was pastor in Oelde, from 1872 in Lippstadt until he was pastor at St. Nicolai (Lemgo) in 1879 . In 1886 he moved to a pastorate at Neu St. Thomae in Soest , where he worked until he retired in 1914.

In 1905 he was accepted into the Historical Commission for Westphalia . The Westphalian Wilhelm University doctorate him in 1914 to Dr. phil. During the First World War he published a historical brochure on the occasion of Paul von Hindenburg's military successes in Courland . From 1915 to 1934 he taught Westphalian church history as a lecturer and honorary professor at the Westphalian Wilhelms University .

Hermann Rothert was his son.


  • Honorary member of the Historical Commission for Westphalia (1930)

Fonts (selection)

  • The parish of St. Thomae zu Soest. On the history of a Protestant community in Westphalia . Kurtze, Soest 1887 ( digitized version ).
  • On the church history of the "honorable" city of Soest . Bertelsmann, Gütersloh 1905 ( digitized version ); Reprint NabuPress 2012, ISBN 978-1279927069 .
  • Festschrift for the 300th anniversary celebration d. first Lutheran general synod of Märkisches Land . West German Luther Verlag, Witten 1912.
  • County Mark Church History . Bertelsmann, Gütersloh 1913.
  • Church reconstruction after the Thirty Years War . Bertelsmann, Gütersloh 1924.
  • Church history of the Westphalian-Rhenish industrial area from the Protestant point of view . Friedrich Wilhelm Ruhfus , Dortmund 1926.
  • The Minden-Ravensberg Church History , 4 volumes. Self-published by the Association for Westphalian Church History 1927–1930.
  • Johann Moritz Schwager, a Westphalian pastor from the Age of Enlightenment . Martin Warneck publishing house, Berlin 1929.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener Corpslisten 1930, 60 , 175
  2. ^ Lange, Andreas: "A fresh, happy community life" Inner mission and association as factors of church change in the Lutheran city of Lemgo between 1844 and 1886, Bielefeld 2018 ( ISBN 978-3-7395-1091-0 ) p. 135.
  3. Dissertation: The St. Patroklus pen in Soest from its origins to the days of the Reformation .
  4. gene Oistland want wy riden (From an old Westphalian riders songs). Also an answer to the question: What does Hindenburg want in Courland? Bertelsmann, Gütersloh 1915.