Humfried II of Toron

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Humfried II of Toron (* 1117 - † April 22, 1179 in Hunin Castle , Galilee) was Lord of Toron and constable of the Kingdom of Jerusalem .

He was the son of Humfried I of Toron , and became lord of Toron on his death some time before 1140 . His first marriage was the daughter of Rainer Brus , Mr. von Banias . Through this marriage Banias and Toron were united. With her he had a son, Humfried III. by Toron . He became castellan of Hebron in 1149 when Hebron became a domain of the royal family of Jerusalem. 1153 he became constable when Baldwin III. after the argument with his mother Melisende became sole ruler.

Humfried was defeated in 1157 by Nur ad-Din near Banias and then besieged in his castle until Baldwin III. lifted the siege. In the same year he sold Banias including the Chastel Neuf castle to the Order of St. John (Chastel Neuf was conquered by Nur ad-Din in 1167). Also in 1157 he helped the marriage between Baldwin III. and Theodora , the niece of the Byzantine emperor Manuel I Komnenos . He himself later married Philippa, a sister of Bohemond III. of Antioch , who previously had an affair with the later Byzantine emperor Andronikos I , Manuel's cousin. The marriage with Philippa remained childless.

In 1173 Humfried Nur ad-Din lifted the siege of Kerak in Oultrejordain . In 1176 his influence at court decreased as the influence of Agnes von Edessa increased, but he remained a constable. This loss of influence was confirmed in 1177 when the rule of Hebron was reestablished and given to Rainald of Chatillon , Lord of Oultrejordain, instead of Humfried, who was still castellan there. Humfried was one of the supporters of Raymond III. of Tripoli , the regent for Baldwin IV : Raimund, Humfried and others were the fraction of the old families at the royal court who opposed newcomers like Rainald and later Guido von Lusignan .

Humfried had Chastel Neuf rebuilt in 1179 after it had been destroyed in several sieges. In the same year he helped broker the armistice between the Knights of St. John and the Knights Templar and accompanied Baldwin IV on a campaign against a small Muslim troop near Banias, during which he saved Baldwin's life, but himself was so badly wounded that he was soon afterwards died.

Since his son, Humfried III., Had already died before 1173, Toron fell to his grandson Humfried IV. , The son of Humfried III. from his marriage to Stephanie von Milly .


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predecessor Office successor
Humfried I of Toron Lord of Toron
Humfried IV of Toron
Rainer Brus Lord of Banias
(de iure uxoris )
Order of St. John
Hugo II of St. Abraham
(Lord of Hebron)
Castellan of Hebron
Rainald of Chatillon
(Lord of Hebron)
Manasses of Hierges Constable of Jerusalem
Amalrich of Lusignan