Hynek Boček from Podebrady

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Hynek Boček von Poděbrad (also Hynek von Poděbrad , Hynek Boček von Kunstadt and Poděbrad ; Czech Hynek Boček z Poděbrad , also Hynek Poděbradský ; † October 16, 1426 in Nymburk ) was a Bohemian-Moravian nobleman and supporter of the Hussites .


Hynek came from the Bohemian noble family Podiebrad . His parents were Boček II of Podebrady and Anna Elisabeth of Leipa ( Anna Eliška z Lipé ), a daughter of Heinrich von Leipa ( Jindřich z Lipé ). In addition to Hynek, he often used Boček as a middle name , which was a tradition among his ancestors.

Hynek was first mentioned in documents in 1417 in connection with the inheritance of his father, who died that year. Hynek was the youngest of his brothers and inherited the Podebrada ancestral seat with the associated lordship. Jan, the eldest brother, died between 1407 and 1409, while his father was still alive. The third-born Boček inherited the Moravian possessions together with the next-born Viktorin , while Viktorin also received the Bohemian dominions Nachod and Hummel and Litice .

During the Hussite Wars, Hynek was initially on the side of the East Bohemian Orebites , whose captain he became. When he collided with the moderate Prague Hussites, he was captured by them, but entered their service a year later. In 1423 he and his brother Viktorin participated in the Hussite train to Moravia. In 1425 he arrested the Nymburg captain Jan Puška von Kunstadt at his castle Mydlovar and kept him prisoner at his castle Podebrady . The reason for the capture were presumably long-standing property disputes between the Podiebrader and the Lissitz family branch of the Kunstädter. After Jan Puška soon died in his prison, Hynek appropriated his castle Mydlovar with the associated Kostomlat lordship , which he connected with his Podebrada estates. In 1426 he took part in the battle of Aussig . When the Taborites besieged Poděbrady, he fled to Nymburk, where he died on October 16, 1426 of a gunshot wound. He was not married and left no offspring.


  • Ondřej Felcman, Radek Fukala and others: Poděbradové. Rod českomoravských pánů, kladských hrabat a sleszkých knížat . Nakladatelství Lidové Noviny 2008, ISBN 978-80-7106-949-2 .

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