Iberian Summit

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The Iberian Summit ( Portuguese Cimeira ibérica , Spanish Cumbre ibérica ) is the name given to the regular meetings between the Portuguese Primeiro ministro and the Spanish Presidente del Gobierno . These have taken place more or less annually since 1983. Usually high-level projects affecting both countries are discussed and decided at these meetings, and the relevant ministers also come together for consultations. The meetings usually take place at the end of the year, alternating between Portugal and Spain, and usually last two days.

List of summits

The information is based on a newspaper article by Diario Sur.

References and comments

  1. Due to elections and changes of government in both countries, both governments agreed to postpone the meeting planned for 2011 to 2012. It took place six months later in Porto, Portugal.
  2. ^ Cronología des las Cumbres Hispano-Portuguesas. Diariosur.es, May 12, 2013, accessed March 3, 2014 (Portuguese).