Ibrahim Chalfin

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Ibrahim Isschakowitsch Chalfin ( Russian Ибрагим Исхакович Хальфин * April 20 jul. / 1. May  1778 greg. In Kazan province , † January 13 jul. / 25. January  1829 greg. ) Was a Tatar - Russian Tatar philologist and university teachers .


Chalfin's father Isschak Chalfin and grandfather Sagit Chalfin were Tatar teachers in Kazan . Chalfin received an Islamic education and in August 1800 became a Tatar teacher at the Kazan grammar school. In 1801 he also took over the post of censor for Asian printed matter . In July 1812 he became the first Tatar lecturer at the University of Kazan . In 1923 he was appointed adjunct professor of Eastern literature at the University of Kazan. One of his students was Józef Kowalewski .

In 1809, Kazan Chalfin's alphabet and grammar of the Tatar language was printed with the rules for reading Arabic . In the same year his Tatar reader appeared with the life of Genghis Khan and Aksak Timur , which, according to Christian Martin Joachim Frähn, was based on the Chagatai texts of Abu'l Ghazi Bahadur .

Individual evidence

  1. Хальфин Ибрагим Исхакович . In: Татарский энциклопедический словарь . 1998 ( millattashlar.ru [accessed August 17, 2018]).
  2. a b c Nikolai Ivanovich Wesselowski : Хальфины . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape XXXVIII , 1903, pp. 27 ( Wikisource [accessed August 17, 2018]).
  3. a b c Nikolai Ivanovich Wesselowski: Хальфины . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 21 , 1901, pp. 270 ( Wikisource [accessed August 17, 2018]).