Nikolai Iwanowitsch Wesselowski

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Nikolai Ivanovich Wesselowski ( Russian Николай Иванович Веселовский ; born November 12 . Jul / 24. November  1848 greg. In Moscow ; † 12. April 1918 in Petrograd ) was a Russian archaeologist , orientalist and university teachers .


Wesselowski attended high school in Vologda with graduation in 1867. He began studying in 1869 at the University of St. Petersburg in the Arabic - Turkish class of the Faculty of Languages ​​of the East. He received a gold medal for his work on the taxes and official duties of the peoples subject to the Mongols . After completing his studies in 1873, he wrote his master's thesis on the history and geography of the Khiva Khanate from antiquity to the present. After defending the master's thesis ( St. Petersburg , 1877), he became a lecturer at the University of St. Petersburg.

Wesselowski wrote about the battle on the Kulikowo Pole (Old and New Russia , 1870), the Manghite dynasty of the Emirate of Bukhara (Turkestanskije Vedomosti, 1878), the Russian slaves in the Central Asian khanates (Turkestanskije Vedomosti, 1879), and the officially regulated teaching of languages of the East in Russia (Treatises of the III International Congress of Orientalists, St. Petersburg, 1880), the reception and departure of the Central Asian ambassadors to Russia in the 17th and 18th centuries (Journal of the People's Education Ministry, 1884), the legation of the artillery captain Ivan Stepanovich Unkowski the Dsungarenherrscher Tsewang Rabtan 1722-1724, the Ramadan in Samarkand and the Islamic feast of sacrifice in Bukhara (Istoritscheski Vestnik, 1888), monuments of diplomatic traffic of the Moscow Russia with Persia (St. Petersburg, 1890) and the Russian Ambassador Ivan Danilovich Chochlow in Persia and Bukhara in the 17th century (Journal des Ministry of Education, 1891).

In 1885 Wesselowski was sent to Turkestan for archaeological research . At Samarkand he excavated ruins of the city of Afrasiab . In addition to the many finds, the ruins of ossuaries , fountains , garden water basins and sewer systems were discovered. In 1890 Wesselowski became a full professor at the University of St. Petersburg.

Golden Deer (Scythian, Hermitage (Saint Petersburg) )

1891-1894 Wesselowski excavated the largest kurgan of the Black Sea steppe Ogus . In 1895 he led an expedition of scientists, architects and draftsmen who documented the Bibi Chanum mosque and the Gur Emir mausoleum in Samarkand . In addition, Wesselowski continued the excavation in Afrasiab. In 1896 Wesselowski excavated graves near the Stanitsa Beloretschenskaya . In 1897 he examined the Kurgan near Maikop . This kurgan marked the beginning of the Maykop culture . In the same year Wesselowski carried out the first excavations in the Scythian - majotic Kurgan near Stanitsa Kostromskaya in Mostovskoy district . The golden stag was found there. In 1898 one of the Ulski Kurgane in Krasnogwardeiskoje district followed . He continued to work steadily in the Adygeja region in the years that followed. In 1902 he became a Real Councilor of State (4th class ).

1912–1913 Wesselowski examined the Scythian Kurgan Solocha on the left bank of the Dnieper near Kamjanka-Dniprowska . In 1914 he became a corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences .

After the October Revolution , Wesselowski finished his excavations and returned to Petrograd to report on his research results.

Individual evidence

  1. Россияне в Узбекистане. Николай Иванович Веселовский (accessed August 18, 2018).
  2. Тихонов И.Л .: Веселовский Николай Иванович (accessed August 18, 2018).
  3. Веселовский (Николай Иванович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape VI , 1892, p. 100-101 ( Wikisource [accessed August 18, 2018]).
  4. NI Wesselowski: Посольство к Зюнгарскому Хун-Тайчжи Цэван-Рабтану капитана от артиллерии Ивана Унковского и путевой журнал его за 1722-1724 гг . In: Записки Императорского Русского географического общества по отделению этнографии . tape 10 , no. 2 , 1887 ( [accessed August 18, 2018]).
  5. WJ Rudakow : Хохлов (Иван Данилович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . XXXVIIa, 1903, pp. 594 ( Wikisource [accessed August 18, 2018]).
  6. Болтрик Ю .: Огуз-гробниця володаря кочової імперії . In: Стародавній світ . No. 2 , 2001.
  7. Отчёт Н. И. Веселовского о раскопках Майкопского кургана в 1897 г. // Рукописный архив ИИМК РАН. Фонд 1, 1896 г., д. № 204, лл.52-52 об. // Древние общества Кавказа в эпоху палеометалла (ранние комплексные общества и воприсы культурносы). - СПб., 1997. - С. 44-48. - (Археологические изыскания. Вып. 46). (accessed on August 18, 2018)
  8. Russian Academy of Sciences: Веселовский Николай Иванович (accessed August 18, 2018).