Ignacio Ellacuría

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Bust of Ignacio Ellacurías in his birthplace Portugalete

Ignacio Ellacuría SJ (born November 9, 1930 in Portugalete in the province of Bizkaia , Spain , † November 16, 1989 in San Salvador , El Salvador ) was a Catholic priest , Jesuit , philosopher , theologian and martyr who, through his work as a professor and Rector of the Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” (UCA), a university founded by Jesuits in San Salvador in 1965.

Ellacuría was a close friend of the psychologist Ignacio Martín-Baró SJ (1942-1989) and the philosopher Segundo Montes SJ and was murdered together with them and five other people in 1989 by members of the army in El Salvador .


Ellacuría joined the Jesuit Order in 1947 and was sent to El Salvador in 1948, where he worked and lived until his death, apart from studying in Ecuador , Austria and Spain .

Ellacuría's scientific work was an independent contribution to a philosophy of liberation, a philosophical direction that emerged around 1970 in the context of Latin American liberation theology , which approaches the subject of liberation from the Latin American perspective and can therefore be described as contextual philosophy. Ellacuría's position, based on the philosophical approach of Xavier Zubiri , of a philosophy of historical reality in which a universal liberation process is at work, to which philosophy can and should make a special contribution, can be viewed as one of the four basic models of the Latin American philosophy of liberation. (The “ethical-cultural” movement that comes from folk culture is represented by Rodolfo Kusch, Juan Carlos Scanonne and Carlos Cullen, Arturo Andrés Roig advocates a culturally critical and anti-populist argumentation strategy, and Enrique Dussel drafts a program of ethics of liberation from the perspective of the South with a model character for the Marxist-oriented movement. According to Ellacuría, the function of philosophy is to turn to historical reality as its actual object and to exercise its liberating function, for example by being critical of ideology and warning of socio-economic injustices. Liberation is not only related to liberation from political or social oppression, but is to be understood as an integral part and implies spiritual liberation as liberation from ideologies, falsehoods, lies and from the power of sin or death. The goal is the liberation of history and in history. Ellacuría was also a well-known liberation theologian who, in addition to important fundamental theological contributions to the methodology of liberation theology, also made important articles on ecclesiology, Christology and Christian liberation practice.

The political effects of Ellacuría's work for the poor and the oppressed brought him into conflict with the rulers in El Salvador and ultimately led to his murder by soldiers , just as Óscar Romero , Archbishop of El Salvador, was murdered in 1980. The six Jesuits Ignacio Ellacuría, Ignacio Martín-Baró, Segundo Montes, Amando López , Juan Ramón Moreno , Joaquín López y López and the housekeeper Elba Julia Ramos and her daughter Celina from the Atlacatl battalion were murdered on the orders of the Salvadoran military leadership. This murder on November 16, 1989 came at a critical time in the slow change in the political landscape of El Salvador: international pressure after this brutal attack that night on the campus surrounded by the army forced the government of El Salvador to join the liberation movement FMLN to sign a peace treaty.


  • Veinte Años de Historia en El Salvador: Escritos Políticos. 3 volumes. 2 ed., UCA Editores, San Salvador 1993.
  • Filosofía de la Realidad Histórica. UCA Editores, San Salvador 1990. (German: Philosophy of historical reality . Mainz Verlag, Aachen 2010.)
  • Escritos Filosóficos. 3 volumes. UCA Editores, San Salvador 1996-2001.
  • Escritos universitarios. UCA Editores, San Salvador 1999.
  • Escritos Teológicos. 4 volumes. UCA Editores, San Salvador 2000-2002.
  • together with Jon Sobrino (ed.): Mysterium liberationis: conceptos fundamentales de la teología de la liberación. 2 volumes. UCA Editores, San Salvador 1992. [German: Mysterium Liberationis: Basic concepts of the theology of liberation. 2 volumes. Edition Exodus, Lucerne 1995–1996].
  • Universitarios courses. UCA Editores, San Salvador 2009.


  • Kevin F. Burke: The Ground Beneath the Cross. The Theology of Ignacio Ellacuría. Georgetown University Press, Washington DC 2000, ISBN 0-87840-761-8 .
  • Horacio Cerutti Guldberg: La Filosofia de la Liberación Latinoamericana. 2nd Edition. Fondo de Cultura Económica, Mexico City 1992, ISBN 968-16-3964-2 ( Colección Tierra firme ).
  • Giancarlo Collet: Ellacuría, Ignacio. In: Lexicon for Theology and Church . 3rd edition, Volume 3. 1995, Col. 606.
  • Thomas Fornet-Ponse: Ignacio Ellacuría read interculturally. ( Intercultural Library 86) Bautz, Nordhausen 2008, ISBN 978-3-88309-239-3 .
  • Thomas Fornet-Ponse:  Ellacuría Beascoechea SJ, Ignacio. In: Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon (BBKL). Volume 28, Bautz, Nordhausen 2007, ISBN 978-3-88309-413-7 , Sp. 558-575.
  • Héctor Samour: Voluntad de liberación. La filosofía de Ignacio Ellacuría. ( Filosofía hoy 27) Editorial Comares, Granada 2003, ISBN 84-8444-714-6 , (Also: Voluntad de liberación. El pensamiento filosófico de Ignacio Ellacuría . UCA Editores, San Salvador 2002, ISBN 99923-34-29-0 ( Colección Estructuras y procesos Serie mayor), (Also: San Salvador, El Salv., Univ., Diss., 2000)).
  • Jon Sobrino : The Price of Justice. Letters to a murdered friend. ( Ignatian impulses 25) Echter, Würzburg 2007, ISBN 978-3-429-02945-6 .
  • José Sols Lucia: La teología histórica de Ignacio Ellacuría . Trotta, Madrid 1999, ISBN 84-8164-354-8 .
  • Theresa Whitfield: Paying the Price. Ignacio Ellacuría and the Murdered Jesuits of El Salvador. Temple University Press, Philadelphia PA 1995, ISBN 1-566-39252-7 .
  • Instituto de Estudios Centroamericanos and El Rescate (Ed.): The Jesuit assassinations. The writings of Ellacuría, Martín-Baró, and Segundo Montes, with a chronology of the investigation (November 11, 1989 – October 22, 1990). Sheet & Ward, Kansas City MO 1990, ISBN 1-55612-409-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Noam Chomsky: Who rules the world? 3. Edition. Ullstein Buchverlage, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-550-08154-5 , p. 204 .