Ignatius Gabriel I. Tappouni

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Ignatius Gabriel I. Cardinal Tappouni

Ignatius Gabriel I. Cardinal Tappouni ( Arabic جبرائيل تبوني, DMG Ǧibrāʾīl Tabbūnī ; in French Ignace-Gabriel I. Tappouni ; *  November 3, 1879 in Mosul , Ottoman Empire, today Iraq; † January 29, 1968 in Beirut ) was a leading prelate of the Syrian Catholic Church . He served as Patriarch of Antioch from 1929 to 1968 and was promoted to cardinal in 1935 .


Born as Abdul-Ahad Dawood Tappouni, baptized as Leo Gabriel Tappouni, he studied at the Syrian-Chaldean seminary of the Dominicans . He was ordained a priest on November 3, 1902 , giving himself the name Dominik. After teaching at the same seminar until 1908, Tappouni worked as the secretary of the nuncio in Mesopotamia .

On September 12, 1912 he was appointed Titular Bishop of Danaba and Chaldean Vicar Apostolic of Mardin . Tappouni was born on January 19, 1913 titular bishop of Batnae dei Siri , at the same time he received by Patriarch Ignatius Rahmani the episcopal ordination . At his consecration he took the name Theophile Gabriel. During the First World War he was imprisoned by the Ottoman Turks during the Ottoman persecution of Christians in Aleppo. Many people tried to get Tappouni's release, including Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria .

After his release, he was ordained Archbishop of Aleppo on September 24, 1921 by Patriarch Rahmani . After the patriarch's death, Tappouni was unanimously elected by the Syrian Synod to succeed the late Rahmani as Patriarch of Antioch and thus head of the Syrian Catholic Church. Pius XI. confirmed his choice and raised him in the consistory on December 16, 1936 to cardinal priest with the titular church Santi XII Apostoli . Tappouni, who took the name Ignatius Gabriel, was the first prelate of an Eastern Catholic Church since Pius IX. who was inducted into the College of Cardinals .

Tappouni was one of the electoral cardinals who elected Pius XII in the 1939 conclave . elected and took part in the conclave of 1958 , which John XXIII. chose. From 1962 to 1965 he took part in the Second Vatican Council . During the council's deliberations on the Declaration against Anti-Semitism , Tappouni described the document as inappropriate because the Vatican's recognition of the State of Israel would enrag Muslim leaders in the Middle East. After his work as a cardinal entitled to vote, he renounced his titular church Santi XII Apostoli on February 11, 1965 according to the Motu Proprio Ad purpuratorum patrum , which states that patriarchs who do not belong to the Western Church , should not have a titular church or titular diaconia .

He died in Beirut at the age of 88 and was buried in the Syrian Catholic Cathedral in Beirut.



The theologically conservative Tappouni called on Cardinal Giuseppe Siri in the conclave of 1963 to run for office.

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