Igor Oberberg

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Igor Oberberg (born February 20, 1907 in Yekaterinburg , † December 22, 1996 in Berlin ) was a German - Russian cameraman .

life and career

Oberberg came to Germany in 1919. From 1926 to 1927 he completed a photography training at the Lette-Verein photography school. In 1927 he began working as an assistant sound engineer for the film. He then became a camera assistant and worked in this role on numerous productions. Since 1939 he was chief cameraman and mostly participated in entertainment films , but also in propaganda films such as U-Boats westward! and GPU .

After the war he continued his career in the German cinema world. In addition to some ambitious productions by Helmut Käutner , he made homeland films , comedies , hit films and a number of short documentaries . In 1972 he received the gold film tape for many years of outstanding work in German film. His estate is in the Potsdam Film Museum .


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