Igor Nikolaevich Panarin

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Igor Panarin
Igor Nikolaevich Panarin

Igor Nikolajewitsch Panarin ( Russian Игорь Николаевич Панарин ; * 1958 ) is a Russian political scientist , psychologist and economist . He teaches at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (Russian: Дипломатическая академия Министерства иностранных дел Россиской Федер ).

After the financial crisis in 2008 and the global economic crisis that emerged afterwards, from which Russia was severely affected in 2008, his person enjoyed a lot of attention in the Russian media, as he lost the leading position of the USA in a unipolar world and a decade earlier thus forecasting the beginning of the US decline in 2010.


Panarin received her PhD in political science and studied US economics . He is a candidate for psychological sciences and an academic for military sciences. He started his career as an analyst for the Soviet secret service KGB . Today he teaches at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation .


Towards the end of the 20th century, at the time of the bull market of the late 1990s, a marriage of positive forecasts for the US economic outlook for the near future and the simultaneous knockout of the Russian state, he predicted the possible beginning of the downfall of the USA for the The year 2010. According to him, a civil war would ensue, which would lead to the complete collapse of the Union of American States over a period of time, similar to what the world was allowed to see with the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia . The civil war is supposed to be sparked by several sources of fire, which have hardly anything to do with each other, spread over the USA and to be nourished by them over the years. Ethnic tensions, especially because of the prevailing latent racism in the USA , and also economically and ultimately religiously motivated tensions due to the rapidly increasing problem of redistribution between rich and poorer states, would catalyze the already existing decline in values ​​of the citizens and thus the decline of the united state USA. Six successor states are to be formed.

The breakup will be continued in a controlled manner through the influence of other larger and more powerful states at a later point in time, similar to the influence that the USA exerts today on other countries to expand power, e.g. B. most recently in Serbia . Russia and Canada will vie for Alaska , Canada would seize the northern states, while the Hispanics , largely autonomous but supported by their different countries of origin in Central and South America, argue with the English-speaking African Americans for influence in the regions that correspond to their climatic lifestyle. In addition to these, the newly established Republic of Texas will become dependent on Mexico . On the east coast one would Atlantic America arise that may member of the EU could be. The newly formed Republic of California would become economically dependent on China , while Hawaii, annexed by the United States in the 19th century , would fall into the hands of Japan or China.

According to him, this assessment and development will help Russia achieve a leading global position if it succeeds in exerting the necessary influence on the world financial system, which has so far been under strong US influence, alongside other contenders, but above all China to expand and assert its claims. However, Russia would be hard hit economically due to its dependence on US investments and the likely decline in the purchasing power of EU countries.

Parallel theories and expertise

The expertise of political scientist Samuel P. Huntington , which he published in his book Clash of Cultures from 1996, which is viewed in a differentiated manner , especially in the EU , finds a corresponding Russian counterpart , albeit only fixed on the USA, in Panarin's theory .

The statements in the Global Trends 2025 report published in November 2008 by the US national secret service NIC also show a loss of power in the USA. However, they expect the loss of the position of the US as an economic Primus only until the year 2025th


  • Информационная война и мир ( News in War and Peace ); 2003; ISBN 5-224-04397-2
  • Информационная война и выборы ( news in war and elections ); 2003; ISBN 5-9584-0002-9
  • Информационная война и дипломатия ( News in War and Diplomacy ); 2004; ISBN 5-9584-0032-0
  • Информационная война, PR и мировая политика ( news in war, PR and peace policy ); 2006; ISBN 5-93517-297-6

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