Ilya Leontjewitsch Rabinowitsch

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Ilya Rabinovich2.jpg
Ilja Rabinowitsch, around 1928
Association Soviet UnionSoviet Union Soviet Union
Born May 23, 1891
Saint Petersburg
Died April 23, 1942
Molotov or Kirov
Best Elo rating 2620 (December 1935) ( historical rating )

Ilya Rabinovich ( Russian Илья Леонтьевич Рабинович ., Scientific transliteration Il'ja Leont'evič Rabinovič * May 11 jul. / 23. May  1891 greg. In Saint Petersburg , † 1942 in Molotov or † 23. April 1942 in Kirov ) was a Russian-Soviet chess player .


Rabinowitsch, a teacher by profession, was an aspiring young player in the St. Petersburg chess club from 1910 to 1912, where he achieved numerous successes. In 1911 and 1912 he took part in the championship of Russia . In 1914 he took part in the congress of the German Chess Federation as a representative of his club in Mannheim and won the main tournament, after which he was awarded the championship title. During the tournament the First World War broke out and the Russian players, including Alexander Alekhine , Efim Bogoljubow , Alexei Seleznjow and others, were interned . During the internment, the Russian masters organized numerous private tournaments, in which Rabinovich participated with great success. After the war ended, Rabinovich returned to his hometown and became one of the leading players in Leningrad. In addition, as a functionary and publicist, he actively helped to build up chess life in the newly founded Soviet Union . I.a. he headed the chess section of Leningradskaya Pravda and published numerous chess books. Some studies are known from his book of endgames .

In 1925 Rabinowitsch was the first Soviet champion to take part in a foreign tournament: he finished seventh in Baden-Baden . He was champion of Leningrad and Petrograd four times: 1920, 1925, 1928 and 1940/41. He took part in eight USSR championships , where he achieved his greatest sporting success in 1934 when he became USSR champions together with Grigori Löwenfisch . He took part in the first two international tournaments in Moscow in 1925 and 1934 . During the Leningrad siege in 1942 he was evacuated to Perm due to malnutrition and died in the hospital.

Works (selection)

  • Final , Leningrad 1928 (further editions 1938 and 1939).
  • Debjut [opening], Leningrad 1931.

Individual references and sources

  1. ^ Litmanowicz / Giżycki: Szachy od A do Z, Warsaw 1986, Volume 2, p. 1004, ISBN 83-217-2745-X .

Web links

Commons : Ilja Rabinowitsch  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files