Ilja Sacharowitsch Trauberg

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Ilya Sacharowitsch Trauberg ( Russian Илья Захарович Трауберг * November 20 . Jul / 3. December  1905 greg. In Odessa , Russian Empire , now Ukraine ; † 18th December 1948 in Berlin , SBZ ) was a Soviet film director and screenwriter . Most recently he was a member of the DEFA board .


Ilya Trauberg was born in Odessa , the son of a journalist and editor , but moved to Saint Petersburg with his family as a child . His mother was a housewife. He was the younger brother of the director and screenwriter Leonid Trauberg and was married to Olga Lepeschinskaja until shortly before the Second World War .

He lived and worked in Odessa, Leningrad and Moscow .

During the Second World War ("Great Patriotic War") he participated in the war and was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War 1st and 2nd degree.

In 1947 he went to DEFA in the Soviet Occupation Zone (SBZ) on behalf of the Soviet government . There he quickly gained an excellent reputation among filmmakers as an excellent professional who worked on friendly terms with his German colleagues. He died of a heart attack after only two years in Berlin at the age of 43. There were various speculations about the cause and circumstances of death. The newsreel Der Eyewitness reported on the tragic event in a prominent place. Walter Janka , as director general of DEFA, organized a festive memorial service in the Deutsches Theater.


Ilja Trauberg initially worked in the theater, writing essays and screenplays. In 1927 he switched to film at Sovkino in Leningrad. There he worked for Sergej Eisenstein, together with Mikhail Gomorow and Maxim Schtrauch, assistant director for the silent film about the October Revolution October: Ten days that shook the world .

His first own feature film as a film director, The Blue Express , which he shot as a silent film at Sowkino in 1929 , was an extraordinary success. In this film, Trauberg resorted to stylistic figures from the Russian revolutionary film and, like the policy of the Soviet Union at the time, turned towards East Asia. The Blue Express was first performed in Germany in 1930 and awarded by Prometheus Film . By 1942 Ilja Trauberg made eight feature films. In 1945 he was appointed head of the Mosfilm drama studio .

In 1947 he moved on behalf of the Soviet occupying forces in the Soviet occupation zone . In the course of the transformation of DEFA / Deutsche Film GmbH into a Soviet-German stock corporation, the Soviet side appointed him to the board of directors of the joint company alongside Alexander Wolkenstein (General Director Sojusintorgkino / Sovexport). On the German side, Herbert Volkmann , Alfred Lindemann and Karl Hans Bergmann took on this task ; from July 1948 Hans Klering (General Director), Kurt Maetzig and Walter Janka . As artistic director on the board, he was responsible for the thematic plan and preliminary literary work. He was also responsible for setting up the DEFA's junior studio.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1929: The Blue Express (Голубой экспресс)
  • 1932: Для вас найдётся работа
  • 1933: Частный случай
  • 1936: Сын Монголии
  • 1938: Год девятнадцатый
  • 1941: Концерт-вальс (with Michail Dubson )
  • 1941: Мы ждём вас с победой
  • 1942: Боевой киносборник № 11
  • 1927: Отважные мореплаватели
  • 1928: Снежные ребята
  • 1929: The Blue Express (Голубой экспресс)
  • 1932: Для вас найдётся работа
  • 1933: Частный случай
  • 1938: Год девятнадцатый
  • 1941: Концерт-вальс


  • Operating history of the VEB DEFA studio for feature films. Part 1. Babelsberg: Selbstvlg. 1981.
  • Walter Janka : Traces of a Life . Rowohlt, 1991, ISBN 978-3871340062 .
  • Walter Janka: Paths to DEFA . In: Trace of Films. Contemporary witnesses about DEFA . Ch. Links-Verlag, Berlin, 2006, ISBN 978-3-86153-401-3 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Universal Lexicon. Retrieved March 25, 2019 .
  2. Chronicle of DEFA 1949. In: DEFA - Betriebsgeschichte Teil 1. DEFA-Stiftung, 1981, accessed on March 25, 2019 .
  3. ^ Ralf Schenk: Conversation with contemporary witnesses: Karl Hans Bergmann. In: DEFA Foundation Talks with Contemporary Witnesses. DEFA Foundation, 1996, accessed March 26, 2019 .
  4. ^ Marion Keller , editor-in-chief: Der Augenzeuge 136/1948 (preview video). In: The eyewitness. Progress Filmverleih, December 1948, accessed March 26, 2019 .
  5. ^ Iliya Trauberg. Festival Vesoul, accessed on March 25, 2019 (French).
  6. ^ Chronicle of DEFA 1947. In: DEFA - Betriebsgeschichte Teil 1. DEFA, 1981, accessed on March 26, 2019 .
  7. ^ Günter Jordan: Film in the GDR. Data facts structures . Ed .: Filmmuseum Potsdam. 2nd revised edition. Filmmuseum Potsdam, Potsdam 2013, ISBN 978-3-9812104-2-2 , p. 121 .
  8. ^ Günter Reisch: Biography Günter Reisch. In: Günter Reisch estate. Filmmuseum Potsdam, accessed on March 26, 2019 .