Maxim Maximowitsch Schtrauch

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Grave of Maxim Schtrauch in the Novodevichy Cemetery

Maksim Shtraukh ( Russian Максим Максимович Штраух * February 11 . Jul / 23. February  1900 greg. In Moscow , †  3. January 1974 ) was a Soviet theater and film actor.


Schtrauch, the son of a doctor, was fascinated by the theater as a child. At the age of eight he met Sergei Eisenstein , two years his senior ; the two remained close friends until Eisenstein's death. After the October Revolution , Schtrauch volunteered for the Red Army in 1918 and served there for three years. From 1921 he played in Moscow at the First Working Theater of the Proletkult ( Первый рабочий театр Пролеткульта ) and experimented there with the directors Valentin Smyschljajew (1891-1936) and Eisenstein with new forms of avant-garde theater. Soon Schtrauch was also in the silent film operates again as a close collaborator of Eisenstein: In strike he played in 1925 his first film role in Battleship Potemkin (1926), October (1927) and The General Line (1929) he was Eisenstein's assistant director. In 1927 he also assisted Mikhail Kapchinsky in his Кафе Фанкони .

From 1929 to 1931 Schtrauch played at the Vsevolod-Meyerhold-Theater under the direction of Meyerhold , after which he was part of the Theater der Revolution ( Театр Революции ) ensemble from 1932 to 1950 , of which he was artistic director from 1938 to 1942. From 1950 to 1957 Schtrauch played at the traditional Maly Theater , and in 1958 he returned to the Theater of the Revolution , which was now called the Mayakovsky Theater . There he also worked as a director.

In addition to his theater work, he was still present in the Soviet cinema. His depictions of Lenin became particularly popular . Schtrauch first embodied the revolutionary leader in Sergei Jutkewitsch's The Man with the Rifle in 1938 and then in five other films, including Jutkewitsch's Tales of Lenin (1957) and Lenin in Poland (1966).

Schtrauch received the Stalin Prize three times (in 1949 and 1951 for his theater work, in 1951 for his film role in Заговор обречённых ) and in 1959 the Lenin Prize (for stories about Lenin ) and was honored in 1965 with the title of People's Artist of the USSR .


  • 1925: Strike ( Стачка ) - directed by Sergei Eisenstein
  • 1929: The General Line ( Старое и новое / Генеральная линия ) - Director: Sergei Eisenstein
  • 1930: People Arsenal ( Привидение, которое не возвращается ) - Director: Abram Room
  • 1930/31: Государственный чиновник - Director: Iwan Pyrjew
  • 1932: Для вас найдется работа - Director: Ilja Trauberg
  • 1933: The Deserter ( Дезертир ) - directed by Vsevolod Pudovkin
  • 1934: Четыре визита Самуэля Вульфа - Director: Alexander Stolper
  • 1934/35: Строгий юноша - Director: Abram Room
  • 1934/35: Живой бог - directed by Michail Werner and Dmitri Wassiljew
  • 1938: Doctor Aibolit ( Доктор Айболит ) - Director: Vladimir Nemoljajew
  • 1938: The Man with the Gun ( Человек с ружьем ) - Director: Sergei Jutkewitsch
  • 1938/39: The Vyborg Page / On the Vyborg Page ( Выборгская сторона ) - directed by Grigori Kosinzew and Leonid Trauberg
  • 1940: The First President ( Яков Свердлов ) - Director: Sergei Jutkewitsch
  • 1942: Боевой киносборник № 11 - directed by Ilja Trauberg and others
  • 1942: Suche Bator / He was called Suche-Bator ( Его зовут Сухэ-Батор ) - directed by Iossif Cheific and Alexander Sarchi
  • 1942/43: Юный Фриц - directed by Grigori Kosinzew and Leonid Trauberg
  • 1943: Два бойца - Director: Leonid Lukow
  • 1946: The Oath ( Клятва ) - directed by Micheil Tschiaureli
  • 1947: Love wins ( Старинный водевиль ) - directed by Igor Savchenko
  • 1948/49: Court of Honor ( Суд чести ) - directed by Abram Room
  • 1949/50: The Battle of Stalingrad ( Сталинградская битва ) - Director: Vladimir Petrov (2 parts)
  • 1949/50: The Fall of Berlin ( Падение Берлина ) - Director: Micheil Tschiaureli (2 parts)
  • 1950: Заговор обречённых - Director: Michail Kalatosow
  • 1956: File 306 ( Дело № 306 ) - directed by Anatoly Rybakov
  • 1956: Убийство на улице Данте - Director: Michail Romm
  • 1957: Leningrad Symphony ( Ленинградская симфония ) - directed by Sachar Agranenko
  • 1957/58: Stories about Lenin ( Рассказы о Ленине ) - Director: Sergei Jutkewitsch
  • 1966: Lenin in Poland ( Ленин в Польше ) - Director: Sergei Jutkewitsch

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Individual evidence

  1. However, unlike the Stalin actor Micheil Gelowani , Schtrauch was never completely committed to the role of the “official” Lenin actor. For one thing, he always played other roles; on the other hand, Lenin was played by other actors again and again during Schtrauch's active time in Soviet cinema, for example (in chronological order) by Boris Shchukin (1894–1939), Pawel Moltschanow (1902–1977), Mikhail Kondratjew (1905–1984), Boris Smirnow (1908–1982), Vladimir Tschestnokow (1904–1968), Michail Kuznetsov (1918–1986) and Yuri Kajurow (* 1927).