Ilja Wassiljewitsch Grebenschtschikow

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Ilya Vasilyevich Grebenshchikov ( Russian Илья Васильевич Гребенщиков * June 24 . Jul / 6. July  1887 greg. In St. Petersburg , † 8. February 1953 ) was a Russian chemist , physical chemist and university lecturer .


Grebenschtschikow, son of a noble family , studied physical chemistry at the University of Saint Petersburg . He completed his studies in 1910 with a diploma thesis 1st class.

From 1912 to 1932 Grebenschtschikow taught at the St. Petersburg Institute for Electrical Engineering at the chairs for physical chemistry and for theoretical electrochemistry . 1921–1930 he headed the chair for physical and theoretical chemistry. In 1922 he was appointed professor.

Together with NN Katschalow , Grebenschtschikow developed the production of optical glass in the Imperial Porcelain Manufactory in St. Petersburg during the First World War 1915–1918 . In 1918 after the October Revolution , Grebenschtschikow was one of the organizers of the new Optics Institute (GOI) in Petrograd . On behalf of the director of the institute, DS Roschdestwenski , Grebenschtschikow founded the chemical laboratory (later the chemical department of the GOI), which he headed until 1953.

1932 Grebenshchikov was in the section of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) Academy selected. In 1938 he became a member of the Office of the Section of Chemical Sciences and the Presidium of the AN-SSSR.

In 1938 Grebenschtschikow founded the laboratory for silica chemistry in the GOI . In 1941, after NS Kurnakov's death , he became director of the Kurnakov Institute for General and Inorganic Chemistry of the AN-SSSR in Moscow . In 1948 the Laboratory for Silicate Chemistry became the Institute for Silicate Chemistry of the AN-SSSR in Leningrad , which he headed until his death (and which was named in 1962). From 1975 he published the journal Glass Physics and Chemistry (Fizika i Khimiya Stekla) of the AN-SSR and the Institute for Silicate Chemistry .

Grebenschtschikow was one of the fathers of the material science of optical materials. His work focuses on the physical and chemical properties of silicate and non-silicate systems, their heterogeneous equilibria, sintering processes and reactions in the solid state, the structures of glasses and liquids, the colors of glasses depending on their composition and melting and heat treatments and the coating of glasses as well as the production of porous glasses. Because of the importance of surface properties , the polishing of glasses and metals was investigated, from which the polishing paste GOI resulted.

Grebenschtschikow was a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR during the 3rd session (1950-1954). He was buried in Leningrad's Volkovo Cemetery on the literary bridges. He left a daughter and two sons. In 1994 the Russian Academy of Sciences endowed the Grebenschtschikow Prize for excellent work in the field of chemistry, physical chemistry and technology of glasses.


Individual evidence

  1. Article Grebenschtschikow Ilja Wassiljewitsch in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BSE) , 3rd edition 1969–1978 (Russian)http: //vorlage_gse.test/1%3D037448~2a%3DGrebenschtschikow%20Ilja%20Wassiljewitsch~2b%3DGrebenschtschikow%20Ilja%20Wassiljewitsch
  2. О. С. Молчанова, В. С. Молчанов: Илья Васильевич Гребенщиков (accessed January 3, 2016).
  3. Гребенщиков Илья Васильевич (accessed January 3, 2016).
  4. Государственный Оптический Институт им. С.И. Вавилова (accessed January 3, 2016).
  5. ^ Glass Physics and Chemistry (accessed January 3, 2016).
  6. Премия имени И.В.Гребенщикова (accessed January 3, 2017).