Ingermanland War

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Russo-Swedish War 1610–1617
Pskov Kremlin, site of the siege of 1615
Pskov Kremlin , site of the siege of 1615
date 1610 to 1617
place Ingermanland , Russian Northwest
Casus Belli Russian peace treaty with Poland-Lithuania
output Swedish territorial gains
consequences Russia is losing access to the Baltic Sea
Peace treaty Peace of Stolbowo
Parties to the conflict

Coat of Arms of Russian Empire.svg Tsarist Russia

Great coat of arms of Sweden.svg Kingdom of Sweden


Grigory Volkonsky
Semyon Prosorovsky
Dmitri Trubetskoy

Gustav II Adolf
Jacob de la Gardie
Evert Horn

The Ingermanland War or the Russo-Swedish War 1610–1617 was a conflict between Russia and Sweden during the Russian Time of Troubles ( Smuta ). It began after the breakup of the Russian-Swedish alliance against Poland-Lithuania and ended in 1617 with the signing of the Stolbowo Peace .


In order to be able to assert himself against the impostor Pseudodimitri II, supported by Polish-Lithuanian magnates , the Russian tsar Vasily IV Shuisky signed an alliance agreement with Sweden and promised the cession of the Korela fortress in exchange for military aid. Sweden then declared war on Poland-Lithuania. In the Battle of Klushino , the Poles won a decisive victory over the Russian-Swedish army. The boyars in Moscow then overthrew the tsar and opened the city's gates to the Poles. In these circumstances, Sweden declared war on Russia.


From 1611 the Swedes, led by Jacob de la Gardie , took advantage of the political turmoil in Russia to bring numerous areas of the Russian north-west (the so-called Ingermanland region ) under their control, including Korela, Jam , Ivangorod , Koporje and Gdow . In the summer of 1611 they attacked the city of Veliky Novgorod , which soon fell due to treason. Field Marshal Evert Horn took over the Swedish administration of the city . An important political goal of the Swedes was to bring the Swedish king's son Karl Filip to the vacant Tsar's throne in Moscow.

Before that happened, the Russians were able to end the Polish occupation of Moscow and elect a new tsar in Michael Romanov . In 1613 the Swedes tried unsuccessfully to besiege Tikhvin . Two years later they also failed with the siege of Pskov , the other major city in the Russian north-west. During the siege, which was personally led by King Gustav II Adolf , Novgorod's governor Evert Horn was killed on the Swedish side.


In 1617 the Peace of Stolbowo was signed. Russia lost strategic access to the Baltic Sea , but in return got back the cities of Novgorod , Porchow , Staraya Russa , Ladoga and Gdow , which had been conquered by the Swedes . The lost fortresses Ivangorod , Oreschek , Koporje and access to the Baltic Sea were only able to regain Tsar Peter the Great a century later in the Great Northern War .


  • Курбатов О. А. Военная история русской Смуты начала XVII века. М .: Квадрига, 2014
  • Göransson, Göte (1994) Gustav II Adolf och hans folk. Höganäs: Bra böcker ISBN 91-7119-128-3