International Germania Film

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The International Germania film GmbH was then established, first in Bonn in Cologne German film production company, which existed from 1960 to 1968 and produced 17 films during this period, including mainly crime and adventure films. But also westerns and costume films as well as Eurospy productions go to the account of the company. The producer of the company was Dr. Alfons Carcasona, who made all the films in Spanish (and mostly also in Italian) co-production and appeared in the opening credits under “Overall Management” or “Production Management”. Production manager was usually Franz Thierry. Almost all films were released by Constantin Filmverleih or were commissioned by the distributor. It was mostly shot in Spain (London, Palma de Mallorca), even if the films were mostly set elsewhere, such as in London. The adventure films were also shot in Brazil and Portugal.

The IGF had its greatest successes with films that swam along with the Wallace wave, such as the two films based on Louis Weinert-Wilton , The Carpet of Horror (1962) and The Secret of the Black Widow (1963). Also successful is the crime thriller Nur dead witnesses are silent (1963). After a few successful productions, which also went into Western and Eurospygenre, there were only a few more successes, so that the Film Echo reported in October 1968: “In the follow-up bankruptcy proceedings on the assets of International Germania, the district court has called a meeting of creditors. It will take place on November 6, 1968 in the Cologne District Court. "

Productions in chronological order

  1. 1960: A throne for Christine ( Un trono para Cristy ), FRG / Spain, director: Luis Cesar Amadori, with Christine Kaufmann , Dieter Borsche , distributor: UFA.
  2. 1961: Schwarze Rose Rosemarie ( Festival ), FRG / Spain, director: Cesar Ardavin, with Paul Hubschmid , Judith Dornys , distributor: Constantin.
  3. 1961: Under the flag of the privateers ( Los corsarios del Caribe ), FRG / Spain / Italy, director: Eugenio Martin , with Hans von Borsody , distributor: Constantin.
  4. 1962: The Carpet of Horror ( Terror en la noche ), Germany / Spain / Italy, director: Harald Reinl , with Joachim Fuchsberger , Karin Dor , distributor: Constantin.
  5. 1962: Only dead witnesses are silent ( Ipnosi ), Germany / Spain / Italy, director: Eugenio Martin , with Heinz Drache , Götz George , distributor: Constantin.
  6. 1963: The Secret of the Black Widow ( La araña negra ), Germany / Spain, director: Franz Josef Gottlieb , with OW Fischer , Karin Dor , distributor: Constantin.
  7. 1964: Zwischenlandung Düsseldorf ( Tre per una rapina ), Germany / Spain, director: Gianni Bongioanni, with Christian Doermer , Margot Trooger , distributor: Materna, only shown on TV in 2004.
  8. 1964: The golden goddess of the Rio Beni ( Duelo en el Amazonas ), Germany / Spain / France, director: Eugenio Martin , with Pierre Brice , René Deltgen , distributor: Constantin.
  9. 1965: They called him Gringo ( La ley del forastero ), FRG / Spain, director: Roy Rowland, with Götz George , Helmut Schmid , distributor: Constantin.
  10. 1965: The Last Mohican ( El ultimo mohicano ), Germany / Spain / Italy, director: Harald Reinl , with Joachim Fuchsberger , Karin Dor , distributor: Constantin.
  11. 1965: Die 100 Ritter ( Los cien caballeros ), FRG / Spain, director: Vittorio Cottafavi, with Mark Damon , Wolfgang Preiss , without rental, only shown on TV in 1994.
  12. 1965: The Hunted of the Sierra Nevada ( Los pistoleros de Arizona ), Germany / Spain / Italy, director: Alfonso Balcázar , with Robert Woods , Helmut Schmid, distributor: Constantin.
  13. 1966: Oklahoma John , BRD / Spain / Italy, director: JJ Balcazar, Roberto B. Montero, with Richard Hornsbeck , Karl Otto Alberty , distributor: Hermes.
  14. 1966: Professor Z. ( Comando de asasinos ) chasing 6 pistols , director: Julio Coll, with Leticia Roman, Peter van Eyck , distributor: Constantin.
  15. 1967: Operation Taifun ( Con la muerte en la espalda ), director: Alfonso Balcazar, with George Martin , Vivi Bach , distributor: Alpha.
  16. 1967: Valley of Hope ( Clint el solitario ), directed by Alfonso Balcazar, with George Martin, Marianne Koch , without distribution, only shown on TV in 1990.
  17. 1967: Fire at Frankie ( Misión en Ginebra ), director: José Antonio de la Loma , with Joachim Fuchsberger , Eddi Arent , distributor: Constantin.

Planned, unrealized productions

The adventure film Die Blumenhölle am Jacinto (1964, planned cast: Brad Harris, Marianne Koch, Sieghardt Rupp, Helmut Schmid, Klaus Kinski) and the agent film Who is the fourth man? (1965, planned cast: Joachim Fuchsberger, Sylva Koscina, Harald Leipnitz, Klaus Kinski)

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