International Association of German Teachers

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The International Deutschlehrerinnen- and German Teachers' Association e. V. (IDV) is an established in 1968 the umbrella organization for national representatives of German teachers and German literature as well as sections or groups of persons in multilingual organizations, engaged in teaching, teaching and science with German as a foreign language deal. With 94 member associations from 85 countries (as of 2017) it represents the interests of 250,000 German teachers all over the world and is based at interDaF at the Herder Institute at the University of Leipzig .


As a professional association in the field of foreign languages , the IDV is both a representation of the interests of experts who sets standards for new methods and approaches, as well as a language-political representation that influences the positioning of the subject and the international position of the language. This is done, among other things, through the objectives set out in Art. 4 of the Articles of Association:

  • the support of German teachers in their professional activities and professional training and further education
  • promoting an appropriate position in the German language
  • the collaboration between German teachers and teachers of other languages
  • the further development of the subject German as a foreign language

History of origin

Foreign language associations have existed since the end of the 19th century. The first umbrella organization to network these associations on an international level was the multilingual "Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes" (FIPLV - founded in 1931), an association from which the IDV emerged as the first monolingual umbrella organization. All four German-speaking countries - Germany , Austria , Switzerland , GDR - were present at the founding meeting. The Statute Commission had already contacted the latter at the time of the founding negotiations in order to let their experts participate in the international network, which the GDR saw as a great opportunity to better position the country, as it was not yet recognized under international law at the time. On the other hand, this shaped the history of the IDV in the first twenty years, as it represented teachers of a language who were active in countries with different social systems. Since the 1990s, and especially after reunification , the IDV has been regarded as one of the most important advocates of the DA-CH principle on an international level.

Since October 2017, the IDV has had its permanent association headquarters at interDaF at the Herder Institute of the University of Leipzig.

Member associations

The IDV has 94 paying member associations from 85 countries (as of 2017). Basically, you are admitted to the IDV by the representative assembly, which decides on a written application for admission. A two-thirds majority of the votes present is required for admission . All IDV members are obliged to pay a fee.


The IDV realizes the association goals through various activities. In addition to language policy statements, these include international events such as B. the International German Teachers' Conference and publications such as the periodical IDV magazine u. a. The most important function of the IDV, however, is to offer a network in which its member associations and partner organizations can work together.

International Conference of German Teachers (IDT)

The IDT usually takes place in a German-speaking country and every four years. The international exchange of experiences made possible by the one-week conference is intended to give the member associations suggestions on how they can develop new teaching and learning strategies , put language policy approaches into practice and thereby improve the quality and position of German teaching in their own country. The penultimate IDT took place in Bolzano ( South Tyrol ) in 2013 , gathered around 2,700 participants from all over the world and for the first time looked at German lessons from three aspects: German as a mother tongue, German as a second language and German as a foreign language. The last IDT took place in 2017 in Friborg in Üechtland ( Switzerland ).

International German Olympics (IDO)

The International German Olympiad is an event of the IDV that takes place every two years and focuses on the Olympic idea of ​​togetherness, aims to increase the motivation for learning German and sees itself as an instrument for tolerance and peace education. In the guidelines for the IDO, the IDV formulated intercultural encounters and peace education as primary goals . The participants are nominated by the German teachers' associations in their home countries in consultation with the Goethe-Institut and are the best German students who were determined shortly beforehand in the respective national Olympiads. In 2014, two learners from 50 countries took part and were able to demonstrate their language skills at three levels ( A2, B2 and C1 ).

DA-CH-L seminars

The DA-CH for the IDV principle means recognizing in principle the diversity of the German-speaking world and the reference to more than one country of the target language German as part of the teaching of the German language, the teaching of geography, the production of teaching materials as well as training and advanced training for teachers. Against this background, a DA-CH-L regional studies seminar is held every two years by the IDV, taking into account the State of Liechtenstein as an integrated regional studies seminar for the German-speaking countries. Lecturers from 20 countries, nominated by their associations, take part in the seminar.


In addition to the close cooperation with important institutions supporting German as a foreign language such as the Goethe Institute , the Austria Institute , the DAAD , the Central Office for Schools Abroad , the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture , the ÖSD and the like. a. the IDV works closely with the chairs for German as a foreign language at universities in German-speaking countries. At the same time, he also maintains partnerships with specialist publishers. The IDV is also in close contact with the International Association for Germanic Linguistics and Literature Studies (IVG) and the European Center for Foreign Languages ​​(EFSZ) in Graz .


  • H. Barkowski, H.-J. Krumm: Fachlexikon German as a foreign language . Franke Verlag, Tübingen / Basel 2010, ISBN 978-3-8252-8422-0 , pp. 142-143.
  • R. Freudenstein (Ed.): History of the Fédération Internationale des Professeurs de Langues Vivantes . Narr Verlag, Tübingen 2009, ISBN 978-3-8233-6486-3 .
  • M. Hepp: The International Association of German Teachers as a global network for the German language . In: VDLIA. German teachers abroad . Aschendorf Verlag, Münster 2010, ISSN  0724-5343 , pp. 266-275.
  • B. Horseshoe, B. Sorger: The international institutionalization of DaF / DaZ . In: German as a foreign and second language. An international manual . 2nd Edition. De Gruyter, 2010, pp. 166-172.
  • B. Sorger: The International Association of German Teachers and its Language Policy. A contribution to the specialist history of German as a foreign language . Studienverlag, Innsbruck 2012, ISBN 978-3-7065-5133-5 . (Abstract)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. interDaF , accessed on January 16, 2020