International college for cultural technology research and media philosophy

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International college for cultural technology research and media philosophy
Carrier: Bauhaus University Weimar
Management: Lorenz Engell

Bernhard Siegert


The International College for Cultural Technology Research and Media Philosophy (IKKM) is a research institution at the Bauhaus University Weimar , founded in 2008 by Lorenz Engell and Bernhard Siegert . In the year of the humanities, the college emerged from the program Freiraum für die Geisteswissenschaften. It is funded (until 2020) by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research ( BMBF ). The directors of the college (Lorenz Engell and Bernhard Siegert) publish the journal for media and cultural research at Felix Meiner Verlag . The seat in Weimar is the Palais Dürckheim designed by Henry van de Velde .


The International College for Cultural Technology Research and Media Philosophy (IKKM) works according to the fellow principle. With the support of a scientific advisory board , renowned scholars from Germany and abroad are invited to Weimar for one to two semesters to realize their own projects there and to discuss common issues of cultural technology research and media philosophy . The first funding phase of the IKKM is divided into six successive sections:

  • 2008/09: Hominization and humanoidization - man-making
  • 2009/10: referencing and ontization - making things
  • 2010/11: Semiosis : making the characters
  • 2011/12: Localization: production of the locations
  • 2012/13: Synchronization: Manufacturing the Present
  • 2013/14: Memorization: Manufacturing the past

Using these annual themes, the college researches the relationships between people and things in the technological media culture of the 20th and 21st centuries. With special consideration of current theoretical approaches of the Actor Network Theory (ANT) and their pioneering work, for example by Bruno Latour , Michel Callon or John Law , the aim is to develop a more complex understanding and description of the mixing and networking between people and media equipment that can capture distributed subject and action functions. In addition to specific objects of observation such as the film, current media-technical equipment as well as the more far-reaching cultural-historical and media-anthropological connections are to be exposed.

During the first six-year funding phase, the IKKM was evaluated by an international committee of experts in 2013 and the BMBF approved for further funding . In May 2014 the second funding phase of the IKKM began with the new research program "Operative Ontologies". This second funding phase at the IKKM continues the work of the first six years consistently and thematically pointed. The thematic focal points are again divided into six sections that change annually:

I. Opening and Closing

  • 2014/15: Framing / Sewing
  • 2015/16: appearance / disappearance

II. Coupling and detaching

  • 2016/17: Compaction / spreading
  • 2017/18: Show / cause

III. Repeat and reflect

  • 2018/19: Reproduce / Duplicate
  • 2019/20: turning back / (self-) reflecting


Directors: Lorenz Engell , Bernhard Siegert

Scientific Advisory Board Jacques Aumont , Raymond Bellour , Hans Belting , Linda Dalrymple Henderson , John Durham Peters , Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht , Eva Geulen , Gertrud Koch

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