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publishing company Swarm of Men Publishing House
First edition 1999
Frequency of publication 1 × annually
editor Association of Homosexuality and History (FHG) e. V.
Web link
ZDB 1498731-4

Invertito - Yearbook for the History of Homosexualities is a German-language scientific journal for the history of same-sex love, eroticism and sexuality. It has been published since 1999 by the Association for Homosexuality and History (FHG) in collaboration with Männerschwarm Verlag , which aims to make the various initiatives and projects for researching and documenting same-sex history known to one another.

Invertito appears once a year, 17 volumes have appeared so far. Each volume comprises about 200 pages, on which about four longer essays (up to 2005 each on a common focus topic), as well as some smaller articles and book reviews can be found. In the historical research embedded Invertito shows the diversity of regional and epochal manifestations, self- and foreign regulations on homosexuality. At the same time, common historical images , which are shaped by the seemingly self- evident nature of heterosexual relationships, are questioned.

Focus of the individual years

  • 1st year (1999) Homosexualities in the Federal Republic of Germany 1949–1972. ISBN 3-928983-76-8 .
  • 2nd year (2000) Homosexualities in the Weimar Republic 1919–1933. ISBN 3-928983-89-X .
    • Heike Schader: Virility as a strategy of female homosexual women for social recognition in Berlin in the 1920s
    • Sabine Puhlfürst: Christa Winsloe's girl in uniform. Play - film adaptation - novel version
    • Bernd-Ulrich Hergemöller : Hans Blüher's men 's worlds. Fragments, contradictions, perspectives
    • Jens Dobler : Police and gay associations
  • 3rd year (2001) Homosexualities and Crossdressing in the Middle Ages. ISBN 3-935596-01-4 .
    • Albrecht Diem: Development of the monastic discourse on sexuality and sexual abstinence
    • Andreas Niederhäuser: Male love in the courtly novel
    • Karin Losert: Holy women as cross-dressers
    • Petra Heitfeldt: Openwork concepts of femininity and masculinity . Reversal of roles in war
  • 4th year (2002) Denounced, persecuted, murdered: homosexual men and women during the Nazi era . ISBN 3-935596-14-6 .
    • Stefan Micheler, Jürgen K. Müller, Andreas Pretzel : The persecution of homosexual men in the Nazi era and their continuity. Similarities and differences in the major cities of Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne
    • Hans-Peter Weingand : "A relapse is to be expected in any case." Male homosexuality and criminal biology using the example of the University of Graz
    • Albert Knoll : Homosexual prisoners in the Dachau concentration camp
    • Kirsten Plötz: "... to completely expose her perverse tendencies." The political and sexual denunciation of a National Socialist in 1933
    • Claudia Schoppmann : On the current state of research on lesbian women under National Socialism
  • 5th year (2003) Between camouflage and provocation: homosexualities in art and culture. ISBN 3-935596-25-1 .
    • Heike Schader, Christine Regn: “In the service of the cause”. The importance of imagery in gay women's magazines. The 20s, 50s and 70s of the 20th century in comparison
    • Ralf Jörg Raber: “We… are what we are!” Homosexuality on record 1900–1936
    • Klaus Sator: Dance and Homosexuality. Sexual identities behind and on stage
  • 6th year (2004) Contacts - friendships - partnerships. ISBN 3-935596-65-0 .
    • Klaus van Eickels: Tender Comrades. Gestures of male friendship and the language of love in the Middle Ages
    • Stefan Micheler, Heike Schader: Equality as an ideal? Partnership models and relationships between men of desiring men and women of desiring women in the Weimar Republic
  • 7th year (2005) Together we are strong - homosexual networks. ISBN 3-935596-84-7 .
    • Rainer Maaß: Darmstadt's treason in 1922 and its unforeseen consequences. The unfortunate story of Ludwig Möser
    • Gerhard Grün: Troubles in Paradise. 30 years of gay and lesbian centers in Cologne
  • 8th year (2006). ISBN 978-3-939542-00-1 .
    • Klaus-J. Lorenzen-Schmidt: Imperial Count Christian Detlef Rantzau as a sodomite ?. A political affair in the north of the Old Kingdom (1715–1720)
    • Beat Frischknecht: Caspar Wirz - an "unsteady nature". - Attempt of a portrait of the Swiss theologian, historian and WhK activist
    • Andreas Pretzel: Eros and Resistance. A network of the Bundischen youth movement in exile
    • Monika Pater: "Against awesome men's press - for lesbian love". The Andersen / Ihns process as a starting point for lesbians coming out
  • 9th year (2007). ISBN 3-939542-16-4 .
    • Klaus Berndl: The repeal of the death penalty for "unnatural sins" in Prussia, 1794
    • Beat Frischknecht: Caspar Wirz - an "unsteady nature". Attempt to portray the Swiss theologian, historian and WhK activist
    • Albert Knoll: August Fleischmann - The soul researcher. A pioneer of the Munich homosexual movement
    • Raimund Wolfert : On the trail of the "inverted" in Breslau in the twenties and thirties
  • 10th year (2008). ISBN 3-939542-33-4 .
    • Stefan Micheler: Magazines and associations of same-sex desiring people in the Weimar Republic. Approaches to an organizational history
    • Martin Lücke: Images of men between consumption and communism. The construction of homosexual masculinity among the homosexual activists Friedrich Radszuweit and Richard Linsert
    • Frank Ahland: “Changes are being made and you don't know how”. The scandal surrounding the 1957 film Different from You and Me by Veit Harlan
    • Mirko Nottscheid: “One thing alone is boring for me”. The pedagogue, social scientist and writer Joachim Hohmann (1953–1999). A bio-bibliographical overview. With a bibliography of his literary and academic book publications from 1970 to 2000
  • 11th year (2009). ISBN 978-3-939542-77-3 .
    • Thomas Lau: "There was a great cry over Sodom". Persecution of the sodomites in Zurich in the second half of the 17th century
    • Christine M. Klapeer: The Tribadin and the Leviathan. A heteronormativity-critical and lesbian-affrimative analysis of Thomas Hobbes' contract theory
    • Heinz-Jürgen Voss : Constitution of "gender" in western modern biological-medical sciences - starting point hermaphroditism
    • Jens Dobler: The case of Count Cajus and comrades
    • Klaus Sator: John Olday. On the trail of a gay artist and anarchist
    • Raimund Wolfert: A "extremely Jew-friendly young Dane". Allan Hagedorff and his commitment to those persecuted by the Nazi regime
  • 12th year (2010). ISBN 978-3-939542-84-1 .
    • Michael Schön: The mission of memory. An essay on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Schwules Museum Berlin
    • Raimund Wolfert: On friendship and loyalty: A Silesian friendship glass in the Schwules Museum Berlin
    • Christian-Alexander Wäldner: Hermann L., a homosexual from Hanover under National Socialism: More than a victim?
    • Klaus Berndl / Vera Kruber: On the statistics of the criminal prosecution of homosexual men in the Soviet Zone and the GDR up to 1959
    • Norbert Finzsch: Becoming Gay : Deleuze , Feminism and Queer Theory
  • 15th year (2013). ISBN 978-3-86300-153-7 .
    • Kevin Dubout / Raimund Wolfert: "Peculiar cities, sympathetic peoples and sights of great beauty". To the Scandinavia tour of the WhK activist Eugen Wilhelm in 1901
    • Thierry Delessert: Impunity within limits. On the political and legal history of male homosexuality in Switzerland in the first half of the 20th century
    • Johann Karl Kirchknopf: Extent and Intensity of the Persecution of Female Homosexuality in Vienna during the Nazi Era. Legal historical and quantitative perspectives and documents from the prosecuting authorities
    • Ines Rieder: Reading files 1946-1959. The justice system targets lesbians in Vienna
    • Volker Bühn: Alfred Grünewald (1884-1942). Architect, poet and erotic
    • Manuela Bauer / Hannes Sulzenbacher: "My name is Erich Lifka. They know me in Moscow". A fictional biography between adventure, resistance, espionage and pornography
  • 17th volume (2015)
    • Christiane Leidinger: On the politics of naming a place - considerations for a history politics and historical memory culture as counter-hegemonic knowledge formation along intersectionality (consciousness), empowerment and power sharing
    • Christiane Carri: "The first symptom of a certain psychological aberration is her homosexual attitude". Discourses on female homosexuality from a disenfranchisement report of the Weimar Republic
    • Kim Trau: Legal Benefit or "Mess"? The discussion of the Transsexual Act in the press and in petitions to the Bundestag between 1975 and 1982
  • 18th year (2016)
    • Heike Schrader: The club revolt in 1929. The dynamics of the Berlin women's clubs Violetta and Monbijou in the years 1928-1929
    • Raimund Wolfert: "The whole tricky situation, stop". Karl Kipp (1896-1959): opera singer, Rosa-Winkel prisoner and Auschwitz survivor
    • Stephan Jaray: From speakeasy to gay men’s bar. Stories and legends about the Mary's Old Timers Bar in Zurich (1935-1975) and its owner Mary Lang (1884-1977)
    • Christopher Treiblmayr: Irreversible Achievements? About the gay boom in German cinema in the 1990s


  • Invertito is indispensable for everyone who deals scientifically with homosexual history, but also for all those who want to deal more closely with the development of their own minority. ( , February 2001)
  • Certainly, Invertito offers a lot of space for different positions, but a certain proximity to that paradigm shift that is related to the application of deconstructivist methods, which is related to Michel Foucault's reception, can hardly be overlooked. (Manfred Mugrauer in Progress - magazine of the Austrian Students' Union , 2/2002)
  • Heavy fare, more geared towards those who are really interested in backgrounds, but some of the texts come across as relaxed and understandable. ( pink lilac No. 41)

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