Iossif Alexejewitsch Pokrovsky

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Iossif Alexejewitsch Pokrovsky (1906)

Iossif Alexejewitsch Pokrowski ( Russian Иосиф Алексеевич Покровский ; born September 19, 1868 in Chernigov Governorate ; † April 13, 1920 in Moscow ) was a legal scholar of the Russian Empire , which is still considered a classic of civil law in Russia .


Born in the family of a village pastor, he studied at the Kiev Galagan College ( Russian Коллегия Павла Галагана ) and then at the law faculty of Vladimir University . In 1898 Pokrowski defended his master’s dissertation on law and fact in Roman law ( Russian Право и факт в римском праве ), first published in Vienna in 1895 as Die actiones in factum des Classishen Rechts in the journal of the Savigny Foundation for Legal History . In it Pokrowski explored the distinction between actiones in factum and inius coceptae as two types of complaint, which also aimed to determine the role of the praetor in the development of Roman law.

At first he stayed at the university in preparation for the professorship , but was ultimately sent to Germany for two and a half years . There he took part in the seminar for Roman law at the law faculty of the University of Berlin , under the direction of Heinrich Dernburg and Alfred Pernice, among others .

After his return, Pokrovsky taught at the Imperial University of Yuryev . In 1902 he received his doctorate from Vladimir University by further examination of the topic of his master's thesis. In 1903 he got the chair of Roman law at the University of Petersburg . From 1907 he also gave courses for women.

In 1904 his textbook Readings on the History of Roman Law ( Russian Лекции по истории римского права ) was published, in 1909 the monograph Natural Law Currents in the History of Civil Law ( Russian Естественно-вив правовенсокив правовансокив правовенсотечравовенсокив правовенстечравовенно-правовен течыг .

From 1910 to 1912 he was Dean of the Law Faculty of the University of Petersburg. After he was urged to the University of Kharkov to change, Pokrovsky moved to Moscow, where he arrived in Moscow Commerce Institute and the Schanjawski - People's University (now the Humanities Russian State University ) taught. In 1913 his major work on the history of Roman law ( Russian История римского права ) was first published.

His life's work Basic Problems of Civil Law ( Russian Основные проблемы гражданского права ) was published in 1917. It is in the journalistic style and is aimed at a broader readership and not just at academic legal scholars. In 2015 this work was published for the first time in a German translation by Mohr Siebeck Verlag .

In 1917 Pokrovsky went to the University of Petersburg for the second time for a short time , but soon returned to Moscow, where he was professor at Lomonosov University until his death . In 1918 he published an anti-Bolshevik publication in the anthology De profundis ( Russian Из глубины ).

From 1917 Pokrowski suffered from asthma attacks , from which he died on April 13, 1920.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Collection of the Classics of Russian Law by Consultant Plus .
  2. d: Q4227949
  3. a b c Wassili Michailowitsch Netschajew : Покровский (Иосиф Алексеевич) , in Brockhaus-Efron , 2nd supplementary volume ( 1906 ), St. Petersburg , 1896.
  4. Joseph Pokrowsky , Die Actiones in factum des classical Rechts , Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte , Vol. 16 = 29, 1895, pp. 7-104 (Digital Library of the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History )
  5. Florian Kolbinger , The Russian Seminar for Roman Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Berlin in the years 1887-1896 . PhD thesis, University of Cologne , 2003.
  6. ^ Iosif A. Pokrovskij , Grundprobleme des bürgerlichen Rechts (1917) , edited and introduced by Martin Avenarius and Anastasia Berger , Tübingen , 2015.