Iris Bahr

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Iris Bahr (born in New York City , New York in the 20th century ) is an American actress , comedian , director , writer and television producer . She is known for her television series Svetlana and her show Dai , for which she won the Lucille Lortel Award for best individual artist in 2008 and received two Drama Desk Award nominations and one UK Stage Award nomination.

Her book Dork Whore from 2007, which tells of her journey through Asia, was a bestseller in Germany under the title Moomlatz or How I Tried to Lose My Innocence in Asia (translation: Andrea O'Brien ).

Early life

Bahr grew up in the Bronx but moved to Israel with her mother at the age of 13 after her parents divorced . She was with the Israeli military intelligence service for two years and achieved the rank of sergeant . As a young woman, she traveled through Asia .

Studies and academic work

Bahr studied neuropsychology and religious studies at Brown University and graduated magna cum laude. She then did neuroscientific research and cancer research at Stanford and Tel Aviv Universities .


From 2000, Bahr had a number of speaking roles in the computer games Star Trek: Voyager: Elite Force , Star Trek: Away Team , Star Trek: Armada II , Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix and Star Trek: Elite Force II . In 2001, she made her first television appearance on Star Trek: Spaceship Voyager . Other guest appearances in series followed, such as in King of Queens (2002), Friends (2003) and The Big Bang Theory (2007). In her series Svetlana , she was an actress, screenwriter, director and producer from 2010 to 2011.

In 2006 she had her first lead role in Larry the Cable Guy: Health Inspector . In November of the same year her “one woman show” Dai began .


Bahr describes herself as an Israeli Jew.

Filmography (selection)


TV Shows

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ New York Times: So Many Different People to Be, Onstage and Off, if She Can Dodge the Trucks by Campbell Robertson
  2. Playbill: Culture Project Opens Iris Bahr Solo Dai (enough) Nov. 14 ( Memento from February 1, 2013 in the web archive ) by Ernio Hernandez (
  3. Frankfurter Allgemeine: The woman who never wanted to be a virgin again by Till Haase
  4. Biography at
  5. biography at
  6. A Jew Goes to England