Isn't life wonderful?

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German title Isn't life wonderful?
Original title Isn't Life Wonderful
Country of production United States
Publishing year 1924
length 140 minutes
Director David Wark Griffith
script David Wark Griffith
production David Wark Griffith
music Louis Silvers ,
Cesare Sodero
camera Hendrik Sartov

Isn't life wonderful? (Original title: Isn't Life Wonderful ) is an American silent film in black and white by director David Wark Griffith from 1924. Griffith wrote the script and produced the film himself. The film is based on a short story by Geoffrey Moss . The leading roles are starring Carol Dempster , Neil Hamilton , Erville Alderson and Helen Lowell . The film had its world premiere on November 23, 1924 in the United States. It first came to the cinema in Germany in 1970.


The film takes place in and around Berlin during the inflation period after the First World War . The focus is on a Polish refugee family who fiercely fought against all the adversities of the time: You can see the family members at work, standing in line for a pound of meat for 12 billion marks, growing potatoes, eating the meager rations and finally building a house. to counteract the cramped living conditions. And in between the lovers, consisting of one son and the foster daughter, walk happily again and again.

Production notes

The film occupies a special position in the work of the American director: It was not shot in Hollywood , but Griffith and his entire staff moved to Berlin during the inflationary period of 1923/24. A rarity for the time that a feature film was not shot in the studio , but firstly on the scene and secondly still to a considerable extent in the open air, on streets, in fields and in the forest.


The lexicon of international film simply calls the work a naive and very sentimental silent film, but positively notes that it is socially committed. The Evangelical Film-Observer arrives at a similar view: “Based on a Polish refugee family and a pair of lovers portrayed by Hollywood actors, the thesis is put forward in a naive style that love overcomes every injustice, such as hunger and stolen potatoes. For those interested in film history. "

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c Source: Evangelischer Film-Beobachter , Evangelischer Presseverband München, Critique No. 271/1970, pp. 275–276
  2. Lexicon of international films, rororo-Taschenbuch No. 6322 (1988), p. 1836