Ivan Karajotov

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Ivan Dimitrov Karajotov (common transliteration: Ivan Dimitrov Karayotov , Bulgarian Иван Димитров Карайотов ; * December 20, 1941 in Losen near Ljubimez ; † January 30, 2018 in Burgas ) was a Bulgarian archaeologist and historian . He was mainly concerned with the history of the Burgas region . He lived and worked in Burgas.


Ivan Karajotow was born in Losen, Chaskovo Oblast . With the establishment of the People's Republic of Bulgaria , his parents moved to Burgas, where Ivan finished high school. Between 1963 and 1965 he studied theology for five semesters at St. Kliment Ochridski University in Sofia , then classical archeology . He graduated in this subject in 1971 and then worked as an archaeologist in the Sandanski City Museum .

From April 1972 Karajotov was director of the archeology department of the Burgas Regional Museum. He received his doctorate in 1985 in Sofia with a dissertation on the minting of mesembria coins and in 1991 he was awarded the professorship . From December 2005 Karajotow taught classical archeology and other archaeological disciplines at the Konstantin Preslavsky University in Shumen.

In 2001 Karajotov was given honorary citizenship of the city of Burgas .

In 2011 he gave the История на Бургас with Stojan Rajtschewski and Mitko Ivanov . От древността до средата на ХХ век (German: History of the City of Burgas. From Antiquity to the Middle of the 20th Century ). The work only covers the period up to 1945 and is one of the most comprehensive books on the history of the city of Burgas.

Fonts (selection)

Authors' presentations
  • Монетосеченето на Месамбрия през елинистическата епоха (250-72 год. Пр. Хр.) (= Dissertation Sofia 1985) Title page
  • Бронзовото монетосечене на Месамбрия.
  • Монетосеченето на Месамбрия. Burgas 1992.
  • The coinage of Mesambria.
    • Vol. 1: Silver and gold coins of Mesambria. Center of Underwater Archeology, Sozopol 1994.
    • Vol. 2: Bronze coins of Mesambria. Center for Maritime and Regional Studies, Sozopol 2009. ISBN 978-954-92170-3-2 .
  • Водите на Хемус и Странджа. Burgas 2004.
  • Остров “Света Анастасия”. ( St. Anastasia Island ) Либра скорп, Burgas 2004. ISBN 954-9306-18-6 .
  • with Атанас Радойнов: Твърдица в скута на отечеството. Ритъм 3, Burgas 2007. ISBN 978-954-91595-9-2 .
  • Йови Воденичаров. Възрожденец: държавник и общественик в следосвобожденска България. Айтос и Бургас. Спринг, Burgas 2010. ISBN 978-954-92170-4-9 .
  • Преживелиците на самотата - Бележки върху проблема за отчуждението в изкуството. In: Пламък 1, (1971) pp. 77-82.
  • Родината на Спартак. Среднострумието през античността. In: Наукa и техника за младежта 7 (1972) pp. 10-12.
  • "Морето, морето!" - този древен и неостаряващ път , 5, No. 24 (232), Verlag Орбита, Sofia, 1972, p. 11.
  • Тракийска крепост на северния бряг на Мандренското езеро. (Une forteresse thrace sur le bord du lac de Mandra). In: Изкуство 31, No. 3–4 (1975) pp. 36–44.
  • Nouvelles inscriptions de la region of Bourgas (Bulgarie). In: Actes du VIIe congres international d'epigraphie grecque et latine. Bucuresti - Paris , 1979, pp. 388-389.
  • A Thracian Sea God from Pomorie, Bulgaria. In: International Journal of Nautical Archeology and Underwater Exploration 12 (1983) pp. 263-269.
  • Le monnayage d'Apollonia à la lumière des découvertes les plus récentes. In: Thracia 11: Studia in honoren Aleksandri Fol. Verlag Serdicae, Sofia, 1995, pp. 397-408.
  • with Petja Kiachkina: Aquae Calidae, center de la culture thrace. In: La Thrace et les sociétés maritimes anciennes. Thracia Pontica VI, 1. Center of Underwater Archeology, Sozopol 1994, pp. 125-130.


  • Ivan Karajotov. In: Кой кой е в елита на Бургас и региона  : [Биографичен справочник] / Състав. Пеньо Костадинов, Стойчо Кьосев., Burgas, 1996/1997, pp. 85–86.
  • Ivan Karajotov. In: Кой кой е в българската култура  : [Справочник] / Състав. Пенка Добрева, Таня Войникова, Стефка Георгиева., Verlag Славена, Varna 1998, p. 243.
  • Илия Зайков Археология: Стихотворение , Изв. Нар. музей - Бургас, 4, Burgas Archaeological Museum, 2002
  • Studia in honorem Ivani Karayotov , Изв. Нар. музей - Бургас, 4, Burgas Archaeological Museum, 2002

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Obituary accessed on March 4, 2020