Ivan Kobelev

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Ivan Kobelew ( Russian Иван Кобелев , * 1739 in Anadyrski Ostrog , Chukotka , Russian Empire , † after 1833 ) was a Russian Cossack , explorer and interpreter .


Ivan Kobelev came from a famous Cossack family who had been in Russian service in northeast Asia since the 17th century. His perfect knowledge of the Chukchi language leads historians to believe that his mother was Chukchi . At the age of 13 he became a Cossack himself in 1752. At the age of 15 he took part in punitive expeditions against rebellious Chukchi. From 1755 to 1764 he was stationed at Anadyrski Ostrog . After his job he was transferred to the Gischiginsk Fort on the Gischiga River . As early as 1755 he rose to the rank of Sotnik (leader of a hundred Cossacks).

After James Cook's third circumnavigation of the world , which had also led him to the Bering Strait , Kobelev was sent out in 1779 to search for foreign ships in these waters. On his journey across the Chukchi Peninsula and the Diomedes Islands , he kept a detailed diary in which he entered geographical and ethnographic observations. Based on the information he received from the locals, he created a map that gave a satisfactory representation of the coastline of Northeast Asia and Northwest America. He also collected clothes and utensils of the inhabitants of the Diomedes Islands and sent them to the governor in Irkutsk .

In May 1787 Kobelev was recruited as an interpreter for the state geographic and astronomical Northeast Pacific expedition by Joseph Billings and Gavriil Andreevich Sarychev . After an unsuccessful attempt of the expedition, the Chukchi Peninsula from the Kolymamündung to circumnavigate Coming remained Kobelew, Timofei Schmalew (1736-1789), the second translator Nikolai Daurkin and a small group Cossacks in Nischnekolymsk. They returned to the port of Okhotsk via Gishiginsk . Here Kobelew, Schmalew and Daurkin took part in the construction of expedition ships. In August 1789, Kobelev and Daurkin were sent to the Bering Strait. They were supposed to recruit among the Chukchi helpers for the expedition, but also to collect artefacts from the locals and to research their customs and traditions. They should also explore the possibility of navigating the Arctic Sea to the mouth of the Kolyma. In March 1790 Kobelew and Daurkin separated. Daurkin traveled with the Chukchi of the Imlerat tribe and Kobelev with Pagrancha-Chukchi. They traveled to Chukotka across the Aklan , Penschina and Anadyr rivers . In June 1791, Kobelew and Daurkin met again, crossed the Bering Strait with the Chukchi and landed in Alaska. There they gathered information about the Eskimo living there . This information flowed into his diary, which was later published along with the Billings Expedition materials. In August 1791 Kobelev could not find the ships of Billings' expedition and traveled on to the Chukchi Peninsula . In October 1791 he finally met Joseph Billings. On October 4, 1791 Billings set off with Kobelev and the Pagrancha-Chukchi. They came to Yakutsk on April 26, 1792 via Nizhnekolimsk .

After completing the expedition, Ivan Kobelev was ordered to Saint Petersburg in September 1792 . There he was promoted to lieutenant on the orders of Tsarina Catherine the Great for his services. He was also awarded a gold medal with her portrait.

There is no definite knowledge about the further life of Kobelev. There is a note in the Russian National Archives that Kobelev received another gold medal in November 1833 for his many years of service as an interpreter. After oral sources Kobelew to well over 100 years old, and in the last 1,849 Okhotsk have been seen.



  • Sardana Boyakova: Kobelev, Ivan . In: Mark Nuttall (Ed.): Encyclopedia of the Arctic . tape 1 . Routledge, New York and London 2003, ISBN 1-57958-436-5 , pp. 1102–1103 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).
  • Diana Ordubadi: The Billings Saryčev Expedition 1785–1795 . V & R unipress, Göttingen 2016, ISBN 978-3-8471-0509-1 ( limited preview in the Google book search).
  • MB Tschernjenko: Traveling in the Chukota Land and Sailing to the Alaska of Cossack Sotnik Ivan Kobelev in 1779 and 1789 −1791 . In: North's Chronicle . Volume 2. Muisl, Moscow 1957, p. 121-141 (English).
  • Svetlana G. Fyodorova: Explorer of Chukota and Alaska Cossack Sotnik Ivan Kobelev . In: North's Chronicle . Volume 5. Muisl, Moscow 1971, p. 156-173 (English).
  • Gavriil Andreevich Sarychev: Account of a Voyage of Discovery to the North-East of Siberia, the Frozen Ocean, and the North-East Sea . London 1806 (English, limited preview in Google Book Search).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Boyakova: Kobelev, Ivan , 2003.
  2. ^ Ordubadi: The Billings-Saryčev Expedition 1785–1795 , 2016, p. 194.
  3. Wladimir Germanowitsch Bogoras : Чукчи. Религия. Авторизованный перевод с английского. Leningrad 1939 (Russian).