Ivan Vasilyevich Galanin

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Iwan Galanin (ca.1942)

Ivan Vasilyevich Galanin ( Russian Иван Васильевич Галанин * July 13 jul. / 25. July  1899 greg. In Pokrovka, government Nizhny Novgorod , Russian Empire ; †  12. November 1958 in Moscow , Russian Soviet republic , Soviet Union ) was a Soviet-Russian Lieutenant General .


Ivan Vasilyevich Galanin was born in the village of Pokrovka in the Nizhny Novgorod governorate (today in the Vorotynsky rajon in the Nizhny Novgorod Oblast ). In 1919 Galanin joined the Red Army and participated as a soldier in the Russian Civil War and in the suppression of the Kronstadt sailors' uprising.

From 1938 to 1939 he commanded the 57th Rifle Division in the fighting in the Japanese-Soviet border conflict at Chalchyn gol . On June 4, 1940, Galanin was promoted to major general.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War , Galanin commanded the 17th Rifle Corps of the 18th Army at the Munich company . From August 1941 he commanded the 12th Army of the Southern Front , then from November 1941 the 59th Army of the Volkhov Front (including the Battle of Tikhvin and the Battle of the Volkhov ). In October 1942 he took command of the 24th Army on the Don Front , which was involved in the Battle of Stalingrad (including Operation Uranus ). On January 27, 1943, Galanin was promoted to lieutenant general. From April 1943 he commanded the 70th Army of the Central Front that took part in the Battle of Kursk and the Oryol Operation . Galanin commanded the 4th Guard Army in the Belgorod-Kharkov Operation . From February 1944 he commanded the 53rd Army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front in the Cherkassy Battle . Then Galanin commanded the 4th Guard Army again until November 1944. a. in the Jassy-Kishinev operation and in the Apatin-Kaposvar operation . He was the first to be awarded the Order of Kutuzov .

After the war he was Deputy Commander of the 7th Rifle Corps of the Soviet Armed Forces Group in Germany . In September 1946 he was released from active service and retired. He died in 1958 and was buried in the Vvedenskoye Cemetery in Moscow.



Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Галанин Иван Васильевич , histrf.ru (Russian)
  2. Галанин Иван Васильевич , pamyat-naroda.ru (Russian)
  3. a b Галанин Иван Васильевич , hrono.ru (Russian)
  4. Командир 17-го стрелкового корпуса генерал-майор И.В. Галанин на переднем крае обороны , waralbum.ru (Russian)
  5. Галанин Иван Васильевич, Наградной лист на орден Кутузова 1 степени , sammler2011.blogspot.com (Russian)
  6. Galanin, Ivan Vasilevich , generals.dk