Jérôme Fourquet

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Jérôme Fourquet (born February 8, 1973 in Le Mans , France ) is a French political scientist . Since 2011 he has been the director of the opinion- forming and corporate strategy department of the French polling company IFOP . His work focuses in particular on the “ Rassemblement National ” and, more generally, on political attitudes and behavior in relation to religion, immigration and questions of identity. Jérôme Fourquet is also an expert in elective geography .


Jérôme Fourquet was born on February 8, 1973 in Le Mans. On the father's side, the family cradle is in the Pyrénées-Orientales department on the border with Spain , and on the mother's side in the northwestern Sarthe department . His paternal grandfather worked as a tax officer at Le Mans. His parents are chemistry teachers and librarians.

Jérôme Fourquet graduated from the Institut d'études politiques de Rennes (1994) and is also a holder of the Diplôme d'études approfondies in electoral geography ( University of Paris VIII - 1995).

He lives in a relationship with a partner who is responsible for marketing for an insurance company. You have two children.

Jérôme Fourquet has spent his entire professional life working for various polling institutes and as a writer.

He started as a research assistant at IFOP in 1996, before joining the market and opinion research institute “CSA Consumer Science & Analytics” as research director from 1998 to 2003. In 2004 he returned to IFOP as Research Director in the Opinion and Corporate Strategies Department. He then gradually took over the functions of deputy director and, from 2011, that of director of the department.

He often works with the “ Fondation Jean-Jaurès ”, which is close to the Socialist Party .

Media appearances

Jérôme Fourquet appears regularly in the French media, particularly on France 5'sC dans l'air ”, and collaborates with Le Figaro , L'Opinion , Slate .fr, Huffingtonpost .fr and Atlantico .fr.


In his bestseller “ L'Archipel français: Naissance d'une nation multiple et divisée ” (“The French Archipelago: Birth of a Multiple and Divided Nation”) Fourquet paints a gloomy picture of France's present and future as a multi-ethnic and multi-religious country. According to Fourquet, “centrifugal forces” are at work, as the daily newspaper Die Welt describes in an article by Martina Meister on June 25, 2019, the position of Fourquet, “... for around six decades that have broken the beautiful old republic into individual parts , in countless groups with diverse identities and interests ”. France has long been undergoing a fundamental change that is changing its identity: the power of the Catholic Church is dwindling, migration is changing the country. The change can be recognized by the fact that French girls are now rarely called Marie and that Mohammed is one of the most popular first names. The social condition of the country offers the image of a “fragmented group of islands”, an “ archipelago ” where every ethnic and religious group withdraws to itself, a collection of particular interests without developing a common national interest. Parallel societies have emerged that have little in common. Evidence for this is that there are cafés in France that women no longer dare to go to, but also that colleagues refuse to shake hands with their colleagues. All phenomena that pervade everyday life. The blame for this is the rapid decline of Christianity and the simultaneous demise of communism , claims Fourquet. Mass immigration contributed significantly to France's drifting apart, coupled with galloping individualization. Young French people called Ali, Kamil or Youssef do not have to be bad patriots per se, according to Fourquet: "Ten percent of the French soldiers who died in Afghanistan had Arabic first names."


Jérôme Fourquet has published numerous books, in particular with the Jean-Jaurès Foundation and the Political Innovation Foundation:

  • Dette publique, inquiétude publique, Fondation pour l'innovation politique, June 2010
  • J. Fourquet, J. Cahuzac, et J. Poss, Crise de l'euro, crise de l'Europe? ; regards franco-allemands, Fondation Jean Jaurès, June 2011
  • J. Fourquet et A. Mergier: Le point de rupture: enquêtes sur les ressorts du vote en milieux populaires , Fondation Jean Jaurès, Sept. 2011
  • J. Fourquet, L. Bonneval, F. Gomant: Portrait des classes moyennes, Fondation pour l'innovation politique , Oct. 2011
  • Le sens des cartes: analyze sur la geographie des votes à la presidential , Fondation Jean Jaurès, May 2012
  • J. Fourquet et H. Le Bras, La religion dévoilée- Nouvelle géographie du catholicisme, Fondation Jean Jaurès, April 2014
  • Européennes 2014 (1): la gauche en miettes, Fondation pour l'innovation politique , Oct. 2014
  • Européennes 2014 (2): poussée du FN, recul de l'UMP et vote breton, Fondation pour l'innovation politique , Oct. 2014
  • J. Fourquet, N. Lebourg et S. Manternach: Perpignan: une ville avant le Front national , Fondation Jean Jaurès, Dec. 2014
  • J. Fourquet et A. Mergier, Jan. 2015: Le catalyseur , Fondation Jean Jaurès, May 2015
  • J. Fourquet et al., Karim vote à gauche et son voisin vote FN. Sociologie électorale de l'immigration , Fondation Jaurès et Éditions de l'Aube, Nov. 2015
  • J. Fourquet et S. Manternach, Départementales de mars 2015 (1): le contexte, Fondation pour l'innovation politique, Aug. 2015
  • J. Fourquet et S. Manternach, Départementales de mars 2015 (2): le premier tour, Fondation pour l'innovation politique, Aug. 2015
  • J. Fourquet et S. Manternach, Départementales de mars 2015 (3): le second tour, Fondation pour l'innovation politique, Aug. 2015
  • J. Fourquet et A. Mergier, 2015, année terroriste, Fondation Jean Jaurès, April 2016
  • J. Fourquet et S. Manternach, L'an prochain à Jérusalem? Les juifs de France face à l'antisémitisme, Fondation Jaurès et Éditions de l'Aube, Jan. 2016
  • J. Fourquet et S. Manternach, Régionales (1): vote FN et attentats, March 2016
  • J. Fourquet et S. Manternach, Régionales (2): les partis, contestés mais pas concurrencés, March 2016
  • Accueil ou submersion? Regards européens sur la crise des migrants, éditions de l'Aube, Oct. 2016
  • J. Fourquet and E. Fougier, Le Front national en campagnes. Les agriculteurs et le vote FN, Fondation pour l'innovation politique, Oct. 2016
  • J. Fourquet and H. Le Bras, La guerre des trois. La primaire de la droite et du center, Fondation Jean Jaurès, Jan. 2017
  • J. Fourquet et N. Lebourg, La nouvelle guerre d'Algérie n'aura pas lieu, Fondation Jean Jaurès, Jan. 2017
  • J. Fourquet et S. Manternach, Calais: miroir français de la crise migratoire européenne (1), Fondation pour l'innovation politique, March 2017
  • J. Fourquet, La nouvelle question corse, éditions de l'Aube, April 2017
  • J. Fourquet and H. Le Bras, Le puzzle français. Un nouveau partage politique, Fondation Jean Jaurès, July 2017
  • J. Fourquet, À la droite de Dieu, Editions du Cerf, Jan. 2018
  • J. Fourquet, Le nouveau clivage, Editions du Cerf, April 2018
  • J. Fourquet et S. Manternach, Les “gilets jaunes”: révélateur fluorescent des fractures françaises, Fondation Jean Jaurès, Nov. 2018
  • J. Fourquet (Prix du livre politique 2019), L'Archipel français: Naissance d'une nation multiple et divisée, Éditions du Seuil, Feb. 2019, 384 p.

Web links

The French Drama , Jérôme Fourquet in an interview with Gero von Randow , Die Zeit , Jan. 22, 2020

Individual evidence

  1. See here and below as a source: "France's entry into the 'post-Christian era'" , Die Welt v. June 25, 2019 (pay restricted)
  2. See for example the book by the French author Hamid Zanaz of Arabic origin : " L'Europe face à l'invasion islamique - Une civilization en péril ", Les Éditions de Paris, 2019; ISBN 978-2-84621-278-6 , p. 15: “ Ces deux Parisiennes ne pourraient se mettre à la place d'une fille de Trappes condamnée à vivre ensevelie sous un tchador ou niqab ou d'une personne athée obligée de se cacher pour manger pendant le ramadan, ou encore d'une femme à qui il est interdit de boire un verre dans un café. << Des quartiers entiers de villes du département, dont Trappes, vivent comme des théocraties autonomes >>, dit un commissaire de police “(These two Parisian women [= journalists] were unable to put themselves in the shoes of a girl in Trappes , condemned to live under a chador or niqab , or the role of an atheist who has to hide to eat during Ramadan , or that of a woman who is forbidden to have a drink in a café << Whole districts of cities in the department , including Trappes, live like autonomous theocracies >>, says a police chief).