Jürgen Eisele

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Jürgen Eisele (born June 9, 1951 in Busenbach near Waldbronn ) is a German hotelier and politician ( CDU ). From 1980 to 1992 Eisele was a member of the state parliament of Baden-Württemberg (MdL).


After attending the higher commercial school in Ettlingen and the commercial high school in Karlsruhe, Jürgen Eisele began studying economics at the University of Mannheim and graduated in 1976 with the title of qualified commercial teacher . This was followed by postgraduate studies in administrative sciences at the Speyer Administration University to obtain a Mag. Rer. publ. (1976/77). Then Eisele was advertising manager for the Waldbronn spa administration between 1977 and 1982 , before he started working as a hotelier in 1983.

In the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 1980 for the 8th electoral period of the state parliament (1980–1984), the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 1984 for the 9th electoral period (1980–1984) and the state elections in Baden-Württemberg in 1988 for the 10th electoral period (1980 –1984) Eisele was able to win the direct mandate in the state electoral district of Ettlingen . Since 1979 Eisele was also a member of the district council of the district of Karlsruhe . Eisele also acted as chairman of the CDU Waldbronn and as deputy state chairman of the SME association .


  • Eisele, Jürgen . In: Klaus-Jürgen Holzapfel (Ed.): Landtag of Baden-Württemberg . 9th legislative term 1984–1988. 2nd Edition. Neue Darmstädter Verlagsanstalt, Darmstadt 1985, ISBN 3-87576-161-8 , p. 36 .
  • Eisele, Jürgen . In: Who is who? The German Who's Who. 42nd edition. Schmidt Rönhild, Lübeck 2003, p. 304 .