Jānis Stradiņš

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Jānis Stradiņš, 2010

Jānis Stradiņš (born December 10, 1933 in Riga , Latvia ; † November 29, 2019 ) was a Latvian professor of physical-organic chemistry, science historian and head of the state research program "Letonika". From 1998 to 2004 he was President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences in Riga. He was a member of many international organizations.


Jānis Stradiņš was the son of the surgeon Paul Stradiņš, after whom the Stradiņš University of Riga (for medicine) is named. He attended the state German high school in Riga-Āgenskalns (Hagensberg) and then studied until 1956 at the chemistry faculty of the University of Latvia (Latvijas Universitāte). After graduation, he worked at the Institute of Organic Synthesis of the Latvian Academy of Sciences. In 1960 Lomonosov University in Moscow awarded him the degree of candidate of science . In 1961 he designed the laboratory for physical-organic chemistry, which he headed until 2006. From 1972 to 1976 he was a lecturer at the University of Latvia and from 1974 professor.

Stradiņš was an active participant in the independence movement in 1989. From 1990 he worked as a researcher at the Historical Institute of the University of Latvia, from 1992 also at the Historical Institute of the Stradiņš University in Riga.

From 1996 to 1998 Stradiņš was Vice President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and from 1998 to 2004 its President. In 2004 he became chairman of the academy's senate.

Even during the time of the Soviet occupation of Latvia, Stradiņš advocated a realistic assessment of the German-Baltic contribution to the history of Latvia.

Membership in organizations


  • 1970 Honorary Diploma of the Soviet Society for the History of Natural Science.
  • 1977 Purkinje silver medal from the University of Brno.
  • 1978 and 1980 silver and bronze medals of the USSR Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy.
  • 1980 State Prize of the Soviet Republic of Latvia .
  • 1983 Pauls Stradiņš Prize of the Museum of the History of Medicine, Riga.
  • 1986 Honored Scientist of the Soviet Republic of Latvia .
  • 1988 Paul Walden Medal, Riga Technical University .
  • 1990 S. Hiller Medal , Latvian Institute for Organic Synthesis.
  • 1990 honorary member, Wilhelm Ostwald Society in Großbothen.
  • 1990 honorary member of the Latvian Cultural Foundation.
  • 1993 Grand Medal of the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
  • 1994 G. Vanags Prize for Chemistry from the Latvian Academy of Sciences.
  • 1994 T. Grothuss Medal , Lithuanian Academy of Sciences .
  • 1995 Three-Star Order of the Republic of Latvia.
  • 1995 Member, New York Academy of Sciences .
  • 1995 DH Grindel Medal , GRINDEX Pharma , Latvia.
  • 1995 honorary member, Latvian Pharmaceutical Society .
  • 1995 George Soros Harmony Prize.
  • 1996 Honorary Member, Academic Society Austrums [East].
  • 1996 P. Snikers Medal (Fraternitas Metropolitana).
  • 1998 honorary member, Latvian Cultural Fund .
  • 1998 Pro Merito Medal , European Academy of Sciences and Arts .
  • 1999 Medal of the Academies of Science of the Three Baltic States .
  • 2000 Honorary President, Latvian Society for the History of Medicine .
  • 2000 honorary member, Riga Technical University .
  • 2001 Professor of Chemistry and History, World Information Distributed University , Brussels.
  • 2001 Order of the French Legion of Honor .
  • 2001 Prize of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia.
  • 2001 L. Liepiņš Medal , Institute of Organic Chemistry, Riga.
  • 2001 Honorary Member, Estonian Society for the History of Science .
  • 2004 Order of the Marian Cross (terra mariana), Estonia.
  • 2004 Ordine Al merito della Republica (Italy).
  • 2004 Wilhelm Ostwald Medal, Saxon Academy of Sciences .
  • 2004 Prize of the City of Riga.
  • 2005 Medal for Defense of the Barricades in 1991.
  • 2006 Honorary Member, Lithuanian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science .
  • 2006 honorary member, Rigas Latvian Society (Rīgas Latviešu Biedrība).
  • 2006 AN Kost Medal , Moscow University and Mendeleev Society.
  • 2007 Lifetime scholarship from the Latvian Cultural Capital Fund .

Works (selection)

Jānis Stradiņš is the author and co-author of 7 books and over 330 scientific publications on chemical subjects, as well as 20 books and over 270 scientific publications on historical subjects.

  • Jānis Stradiņš, Heinrihs Strods: Jelgavas Pētera akadēmija: Latvijas pirmās augstskolas likteņgaitas . Zinātne Publishing House, Riga 1975. [Die Mitauer Academia Petrina]
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Lielā zinātnes pasaule un mēs . Zinātne Verlag, Riga 1980. [The great world of science and us]
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Etīdes par Latvijas zinātņu pagātni . Zinātne Publishing House, Riga 1982. [Attempts at Latvia's scientific past]
  • Raimonds Valters, Jānis Stradiņš: Organiskā ķīmija Latvijā . Zinātne Publishing House, Riga 1985. [Organic chemistry in Latvia]
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Lomonosovs un Latvija . Zinātne Publishing House, Riga 1987. [ Lomonossow and Latvia]
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Trešā atmoda: raksti un runas 1988.-1990. gadā Latvijā un par Latviju . Zinātne Publishing House, Riga 1992. [Third Awakening of Latvia, Notes and Speeches from 1988–1990 in Latvia and for Latvia]
  • Jānis Stradiņš, Kārlis Eriks Arons, Arnis Vīksna: Tāds bija mūsu laiks… Sprīdītis publishing house, Riga 1996; ISBN 978-5-7960-0391-6 . [That was our life ...]
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Latvijas Zinātņu akadēmija 50 gadi . Zinātne Publishing House, Riga 1998. [50th anniversary of the Latvian Academy of Sciences ]
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Zinātnes un augstskolu sākotne Latvijā . Latvijas vēstures institūta apgāds publishing house, Riga 2012. ISBN 978-9984-82427-7 [The beginning of science and universities in Latvia]
  • Jānis Stradiņš (Ed.): Latvieši un Latvija [The Latvians and Latvia]. Latvijas Zinātņu Akadēmijas Senate, Riga 2013 (4 volumes) ISBN 978-9934-8373-5-7 ; therein the articles Augstāka izglītība Latvijas vēsturē [Highest Education in Latvian History], Zinatnes attistības pamatmeti Latvijā (līdz 1940. gadam) [The foundations for the development of science in Latvia (until 1940)], Latvijas zinātne totalitāras naseatkarstēs (1940–2012) [Science in Latvia as part of a totalitarian great power and the system in independent Latvia (1940–2012)]
  • Ян Страдынь: Становление и развитие Латвийского института органического синтеза за 50 лет (1957-2006) . ХИМИЯ ГЕТЕРОЦИКЛИЧЕСКИХ СОЕДИНЕНИЙ, 2007. [Creation and development of the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis over 50 years]
  • Jānis Stradiņš: 800 years of science in Riga, Latvia . Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci. (B), 2002, vol. 56, N 4/5, pp. 145-154.
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Science and scientist in Latvia: A historical perspective . Proc. Latv. Acad. Sci. (B), 2003, vol. 57, N 1/2, pp. 42-55.
  • Jānis Stradiņš: On the Baltic German problem area in the cultural history of Latvia in Yearbook of the Baltic Germans Volume 37 (1990)
  • Jānis Stradiņš: The Germans in the Cultural History of Latvia with Special Consideration of the History of Science in the Northeast Archive, Journal for Regional History , New Series Volume I (1992) Issue 1, pp. 123-156; Institute for the Northeast German Cultural Center in Lüneburg. ISSN  0029-1595 .
  • Jānis Stradiņš: The old Rigas Polytechnic (1862–1918): Its significance for the Baltic States and the international world in German-Baltic Yearbook Vol. 61 (2013), 59–65.
  • Jānis Stradiņš / Alida Zigmunde: The importance of the old Riga Polytechnic (1862–1918) for the Baltic States and the international world in Baltica H. 1 (2012), 4–17, Fig.
  • Jānis Stradiņš: JW Goethe and the Baltics. Introductory remarks. in Acta medico-historica Rigensia Vol. 5 <24> (2000), 287-291
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Wilhelm Ostwald's Riga years and the emergence of classical physical chemistry in Acta medico-historica Rigensia Vol. 3 (22) (1997), 55–70, 4 undec. Fig., 2 facs
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Address at the opening of the international symposium "Ernst von Bergmann and the medicine of his time" in Acta medico-historica Rigensia Vol. 3 (22) (1997), 173–176, 1 fig.
  • Jānis Stradiņš: The Kurland Society for Literature and Art in its Historical Significance in the Yearbook of the Baltic Germans Vol. 45 (1997 [1998]), 12-16
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Wilfried Schlau on the 80th in Baltische Briefe Vol. 50 H. 5 (583) (1997), 14
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Garlība Merķela “Latvieši” un mēs in Latvijas vēsture H. 5 (24) (1996), 33–36 (Abstract: p. 156: “Die Letten” by Garlieb Merkel and us)
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Curriculum vitae (ar atkapem un piebildem) [ Curriculum vitae (with digressions and remarks) ] in Jānis Stradiņš: Tads bija musu laiks…. Paulam Stradi̧nam simtaja dzimšanas diena , Riga 1996, 301–366, 28 undec. Fig.
  • Jānis Stradiņš / Dzintra Cebere: Scientific contacts between Latvia and Scandinavian countries in 17-20 centuries in Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences / Humanities and social sciences Vol. 44 (1995), 123-128
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Connections between Latvia and the Germans in the field of science in The peoples of the Baltic region and the Germans / Ed. Schlau, Wilfried: München 1995 (Thousand Years Neighborhood; 4), 286–290, 343, 1 fig.
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Augusta Bilenšteina devumu un likteni latvieša acim XX gadsimta nogale parlukojot [ August Bielenstein's work and his fate from the perspective of a Latvian at the end of the 20th century ] in Kada laimiga dzive. Dobeles macitaja A. Bilenšteina autobiografija . ( August Bielenstein: A happy life. Autobiography translated from German by L. Kazeniece.) Riga 1995, 372–387
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Latvian science in exile and its reintegration with science in Latvia in Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences / Humanities and social sciences Vol. 44 (1995), 129-137
  • Jānis Stradiņš: On the 5th anniversary of the restoration of Latvia's independence (translated by Daiga Lapiņa) in Baltica Vol. 8 H. 2 (1995), 18–24
  • Jānis Stradiņš: Latvia without the Baltic Germans , Fig. In Wilfried Schlau (Ed.): The Baltic Germans . With contributions by Bastian Filaretow, Michael Garleff, Sirje Kivimäe, Janis Stradiņš, Arved Freiherr von Taube, Erik Thomson, Wilhelm Wöhlke; Displacement areas and displaced Germans; 6th series of study books by the East German Cultural Council Foundation; 6, Munich 1995
  • Jānis Stradiņš / Kārlis Eriks Arons: Georg Friedrich Parrot's activity in Riga (1795–1801) in Heinz Ischreyt (eds.): Königsberg and Riga . Tübingen 1995 (Wolfenbüttel Studies for Enlightenment; 16), 237–255
  • Jānis Stradiņš / Kārlis Eriks Arons: Career of a Scientist. Georg Friedrich Parrot's activity in Riga (1795–1801) in Acta medico-historica Rigensia vol. 1 (20) (1992), 177–199


  • Kas ir Kas Latvijā / Who is Who in Latvia 2000. Biogrāfiskā enciklopēdija / Biographical dictionary . Valērija Belokoņa publishing house, Riga 1999; ISBN 9984-9134-8-1 (Latvian, English and Russian)
  • Latvijas enciklopēdija , 5th volume. Valērija Belokoņa publishing house, Riga 2009. ISBN 978-9934-8068-0-3 .
  • Pēteris Apinis: 100 Latvijas personību, page 170f. Publishing house Nacionālais Apgāds, Riga 2006 ISBN 978-9984-26-269-7 (illustrated biography of Jānis Stradiņš)
  • Jānis Krūmiņš: photo portrait of Jānis Stradiņš with his wife Laima Stradiņa in Zigmunds Brūvers / Renāta Punka (ed.): Viena diena Latvijā / One day in Latvia, 1987–2007 . Jāņa Rozes apgāds, Rīga 2007; ISBN 978-9984-23-285-0
  • Leonija Wuss-Mundeciema: Latvia . Illustrated book with an introduction by Prof. Dr. Jānis Stradiņš. Verlag Kraft, Würzburg 1992; ISBN 978-3-8083-2015-0
  • August Bielenstein : A happy life . New edition of the autobiography from 1905 with an afterword by Jānis Stradiņš. Verlag Neuthor, Michelstadt 2002. ISBN 978-3-88758-008-7

Individual evidence

  1. Mūžībā devies akadēmiķis Jānis Stradiņš (Academician Jānis Stradiņš has gone into eternity) Zinu Portals Latvijai November 29, 2019, accessed on November 30, 2019.
  2. ^ Latvian Scientists CV from the LZA database.
  3. ^ Latvijas ļaudis. Virtuālā encikloppēdija ( Memento of the original from April 10, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Illustrated CV. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.latvijaslaudis.lv
  4. Jānis Stradiņš on the website of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (Latvian), accessed on November 30, 2019.
  5. ^ Latvian press review Report: Stradiņš 80 years.
  6. Mara Grudule: Vācbaltieši Latvijas un latviešu kultūras vesture . In: Jānis Stradiņš (ed.): Latvieši un Latvija. Akademiski raksti , Vol. 4: Viktors Hausmanis, Maija Kūle (Red.) Latvijas kultūra, izglītiba, zinātne . Latvian Academy of Sciences, Riga 2013, ISBN 978-9934-8373-5-7 , pp. 207–230; German translation: The Baltic Germans in the cultural history of Latvia and the Latvians . In: Translated History , Nordost-Institut, Lüneburg 2017.
  7. ^ Honorary Senators of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea).
  8. ^ Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig Wilhelm Ostwald Medal.
  9. ^ Rīgas Latviešu biedrība honorary members.
  10. YouTube Academician Jānis Stradiņš talks about virotherapy after discussion in Latvian Academy of Sciences (February 7, 2017)
  11. OPAC Herder Institute References Jānis Stradiņš.
  12. NordOst Archiv 20/2011 Anja Wilhelmi: Review of Jānis Stradiņš: Zinātnes un augstskolu sākotne Latvijā .
  13. Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls, 2014 No. 4, pp. 189 - 196 Metjū Matīss Kots: Review of the book Jānis Stradiņš (ed.): Latvieši un Latvija
  14. Nordost-Institut authors and reviews
  15. Domus Rigensis Days 2012 in Riga ( Memento of the original from April 12, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. Twenty years of the German-Baltic-Latvian Association: Lecture on the Riga Polytechnic. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.domus-rigensis.eu
  16. Nordost-Institut 1995 Volume 4, Issue 2.

Web links

Commons : Jānis Stradiņš  - collection of images, videos and audio files