Jacob Ernst von Knuth (Rittmeister)

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Jacob Ernst von Knuth , rarely Jakob Ernst von Knuth (* June 18, 1609 ; † January 27, 1675 ) was a Mecklenburg nobleman and cavalry master in the Saxon , Danish-Norwegian and Swedish services. He was the heir to Leizen and Priborn.


Jacob Ernst von Knuth was born in 1609 as the first of five children into the Mecklenburg noble family von Knuth . His parents were Wentzloff IV. Von Knuth and Anna von Knuth. Anna von Knuth was Wentzloff IV of Knuth's second cousin.

In 1622 he became page of the Mecklenburg council and Rittmeister Balthazar Jasmunds. In 1625 he became a chamberlain . He went to Italy with Prince Franz Heinrich's Saxon troops and was a cornet in the Mecklenburg regiment. As Rittmeister, he was ordered to the Plau Fortress on April 26, 1639 by the commandant in Rostock, Major General von Lohausen , to negotiate the imperial withdrawal. Later, back in Mecklenburg, he was provisional for the Malchow monastery .

On October 26, 1639, Jacob Ernst von Knuth married Elisabeth von Morin . The Morin family's possessions had suffered badly from the devastation of the Thirty Years' War . Elisabeth was the last of her line and through her marriage to Jacob Ernst von Knuth, the property of the Morin family passed to the Knuth family.

Marriage and offspring

Nine children followed from her marriage to Elisabeth von Morin:

After his death, the "Knuthische Haus [...] divided into 3 main branches": the German and Dutch, which Joachim Friedrich has as ancestor, and the Danish-Counts with Eckhard Christoph as ancestor.


  1. Relationships with Jacobs
  2. Anna von Knuth's family relationships
  3. Skeel-Schaffalitzky, Santasilia: Jacob Ernst von Knuth, til Leizen, Priborn, Melz and Ludor
  4. History Ludorfs
  5. ^ Friedrich Ludwig Anton Hörschelmann: Friedrich Ludwig Anton Hörschelmann's genealogical nobility history , first part of the first volume, Erfurt 1772, p. 103.
predecessor Office successor
Wentzloff IV of Knuth Herr auf Leizen and Priborn
Joachim Friedrich von Knuth, on Leizen