Adam Levin from Knuth

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Family coat of arms of Adam Levin von Knuth from 1698. Below is an even older bar from Leizen

Adam Levin von Knuth (born March 1, 1648 in Leizen ; † January 13, 1699 in Copenhagen ) was a Mecklenburg nobleman, Danish privy councilor, senior chamberlain and bailiff of Copenhagen. He was the heir to Gut Ludorf .


Adam Levin von Knuth was born in 1648 as the fifth of nine children of Rittmeister Jacob Ernst von Knuth and Elisabeth von Morins into the Mecklenburg nobility family von Knuth . His older brothers were Eckhard Christoph and Jacob Ernst von Knuth .

Adam Levin's parents sent him in early youth to a related chief hunter and secret councilor for education. In 1661 he took him to Denmark. In 1664, Prince Christian and Adam Levin's brother Eckhard Christoph took him to his court as a page. He later became a chamberlain. In 1679 Christian became king and Adam Levin was promoted to chamberlain .

After the death of Reich Marshal Johann Christoph von Körbitz in 1682, Adam Levin was appointed bailiff of Copenhagen. In 1684 the offices of senior chamberlain and thigh followed. He also served as administrator of the cabinet funds.

Adam Levin achieved the status of a favorite at the Danish court and was a knight of the Dannebrog Order . Later he also became a privy councilor .

In 1680 he became the heir to Ludorf , later the Morin (1686), Gneve (1688) and Zielow (1688) estates followed .

He was engaged to Countess Hilleborg Holck (1658-1724).

His sister Eleonora Maria, b. von Knuth (1658–1707), married Kurt Veit von Witzleben in 1685 . Their son Adam Levin von Witzleben was named after him and when he arrived in Copenhagen in 1710 he was introduced to the Danish court as his protégé . He too made a career as a Danish court official.

After Adam Levin's death, his property passed to the children of his brothers.


Jacob von Knuth
Herr on Leizen, Priborn and Spitzkuhn
Sophie von Knuth, b. from Kruse Adam von Knuth
Herr on Leizen and Priborn
Catharine von Knuth, b. from Pritzbuer Henneke the Elder of Morin ? ? ?
Wentzloff IV by Knuth
Herr on Leizen, Priborn, Spitzkuhn and Melz
Anna von Knuth Henneke the Younger from Morin
Lord on ladle
Katharine von Morin, b. from Wolde
Jacob Ernst von Knuth
Herr auf Leizen and Priborn
Elisabeth von Knuth, b. from Morin
Adam Levin von Knuth
heir to Ludorf


Web links


  1. Knud Fabricius: Adam Levin Knuth . In: Svend Cedergreen Bech , Svend Dahl (eds.): Dansk biografisk leksikon . Founded by Carl Frederik Bricka , continued by Povl Engelstoft. 3. Edition. tape 8 : Kjærulf – Levetzow . Gyldendal, Copenhagen 1981, ISBN 87-01-77442-5 (Danish, - natten mellem 13th and 14th January 1699 - the night between 13th and 14th January 1699).
  2. ^ A b Friedrich Ludwig Anton Hörschelmann: Friedrich Ludwig Anton Hörschelmann's genealogical nobility history. 1st part of the first volume, Erfurt 1772, p. 104.
  3. Skeel-Schaffalitzky, Santasilia: Adam Levin von Knuth, til Ludorf
  4. Inger Gorny: Witzleben, Adam Levin von. In: Hans Friedl u. a. (Ed.): Biographical manual for the history of the state of Oldenburg . Edited on behalf of the Oldenburg landscape. Isensee, Oldenburg 1992, ISBN 3-89442-135-5 , pp. 812-813 ( PDF).