Jakob Philipp Wolfers

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Jakob Philipp Wolfers (born May 31, 1803 in Minden ; † April 22, 1878 in Berlin ) was a German astronomer and mathematician .

life and work

Jakob Philipp Wolfers was born on May 31, 1803 in Minden. After attending grammar school in his hometown , he first studied construction in Berlin, but soon turned to mathematics. Johann Franz Encke , director of the observatory of the Academy of Sciences in Berlin, won him over in 1824 as an employee for the calculations for the Berlin Astronomical Yearbook ; he remained in this position until 1864.

In 1836 he received from the University of Greifswald the doctoral degree and 1852 in Berlin the title of professor .

Wolfers published works on geometry , series development (mainly in Grunert's archive for mathematics and physics ) and computational astronomy (mainly in the Astronomische Nachrichten ). He edited the Tabulae Regiomontanae, begun by Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel and continued by Julius Zech , for the period from 1860 to 1880. He also edited two sheets as part of the Berlin Academic Star Maps project .

He made particular contributions to the publication of Leonhard Euler's Mechanics in German and the first German translation of Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica .

Furthermore, as a member of the Society for Geography in Berlin, he published numerous geographic and meteorological works. Wolfers was one of Alexander von Humboldt's more important correspondence partners .


  • Tabulae Reductionum observationum astronomicarum annis 1860 usque ad 1880 respondentes auctore J. Ph. Wolfers - Additae sunt: ​​Tabulae Regiomontanae annis 1850 usque ad 1860 respondentes from Ill. Zech continuatae. Ferd. Duemmler, Berlin 1858.
    ( digitized version )


  • Leonhard Euler's MECHANIK or analytical representation of the science of motion with notes and explanations, edited by J. Ph. Wolfers. CA Koch's publishing house, Greifswald 1853.
    ( digitized version )
  • Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Principles of Natural Science - Edited with remarks and explanations by Prof. Dr. J. Ph. Wolfers. Published by Robert Oppenheim, Berlin 1872.
    ( Wikisource )


Web links

Wikisource: Jakob Philipp Wolfers  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jürgen Hamel : Bessel's project of the Berlin academic star maps. In: The Stars. Volume 65 (1989), pp. 11-19, here p. 15.
  2. Kurt-R. Biermann: Who were Alexander von Humboldt's most important correspondents? In: NTM series for the history of natural sciences, technology and medicine, 18th year 1981, pp. 34–43, here p. 43.