Jan Krzysztof Adamkiewicz

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Jan Krzysztof Adamkiewicz (born April 5, 1952 in Poznan ; † February 12, 1986 there ) was a Polish poet and literary critic .


Adamkiewicz attended school in Poznan and graduated from high school there in 1972 . While still at school he made his debut with the poems Modlitwa and Wietnam , which were published in 1971 in the Zeitycie Literackie magazine. After graduating from high school, he studied Polish studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan , where he obtained his master's degree in 1977 . During this time he published in the magazines Nurt , Prometej , Nadodra and Poezja . After graduating, he worked as a postman and then in a hospital in Poznan. He also wrote for Nowy Wyraz , Integracje and Głos Wielkopolski . In March 1981 he took a job as a journalist in the Biuro Prasowe Zarządu Regionu NSZZ Solidarność in Poznan and became a member of the editorial board of the monthly Solidarność Wielkopolski . After the declaration of martial law in December 1981, Adamkiewicz was interned and remained in a camp in Gębarzewo until April 1982. After his release, he worked as an archivist and documentalist in the information center of the Instytut Krajowy Włókien Naturalnych in Poznan from August 1982 . He was admitted to the Association of Polish Writers in 1984 and published in Pobrzeże in 1986 .

Adamkiewicz died in Poznan on February 12, 1986.



  • O ocalenie , 1974
  • Zaledwie pozory sytuacji , 1976
  • Sytuacja zastana , 1980
  • Polecenie przed podróżą , 1985
  • Photography , 1987


  • Dwa oblicza , 1975


  • Szkło , 1988


  • Beata Dorosz: Adamkiewicz Jan Krzysztof . In: Współcześni polscy pisarze i badacze literatury . Tom pierwszy: A – B. Wydawnictwo Szkolne i Pedagogiczne Spółka Akcyjna, Warsaw 1994, ISBN 83-02-05445-3 , p. 30-31 .