Jan Olszański

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Jan Olszański MIC (born January 14, 1919 in Hucisko near Ternopil , † February 23, 2003 in Kamjanez-Podilskyj ) was Bishop of Kamjanez-Podilskyj .


Jan Olszański joined the Marian religious order and the Archbishop of Lemberg , Bolesław Twardowski , ordained him a priest on November 15, 1942 . On January 16, 1991, the Pope appointed him Bishop of Kamianets-Podilskyi.

The Archbishop of Lviv , Marian Jaworski , ordained him on 2 March of the same year Bishop ; Co- consecrators were Stanisław Nowak , Bishop of Częstochowa , and Tadeusz Kondrusiewicz , Apostolic Administrator of European Russia .

As a motto he chose Mihi vivere Christ est . On May 4, 2002, John Paul II accepted his age-related resignation.

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predecessor Office successor
Jan Świderski Bishop of Kamyanets-Podilskyj
Maksymilian Leonid Dubrawski OFM